Not my characters. I don't quite remember where the association between Findulias and lavender came from, but from there, it wasn't a big leap...
Title: Lavender and Lilac: Reasonably Priced Love
Rating: G
Pairing:(if there are any) Denethor/Finduilas implied, otherwise gen.
Summary: For Denethor, spring is a smell.
Warning:(if there are any)
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Comments 9
I think Reasonably Priced Love is my favourite, but the image of lavender, smoke and sea salt is lovely too.
(Just be glad that there aren't any towel references.) So there's no chance of an Imrahil version of these drabbles, named Lavender and Lilac: Knowing Where Your Towel Is? :D
However... *indicates queue that includes Turin, Morwen, Nienor, Brandir, Hurin, Elrond, Celebrian, Thingol, Melian, the Feanorians, Aragorn, Den/Fin, Lothiriel/Eomer...* He's going to be waiting a while. X0.
Don't mind me... just got done watching Serenity for the first time so I'm a bit Firefly obsessed right now!
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