Title: Influenza, Interrupted
Rating: G
Pairing:(if there are any) Faramir/tiredness, with a side order of Boromir/homework avoidance
Summary: Faramir tries to look on the positive side to being out of the world.
Warning:(if there are any) May be a bit on the AU side, though there's nothing out and out contradicting canon. Tolkien's characters.
Setting the book reluctantly aside, he coughed into his sleeve, being as careful as he could not to get anything on those precious words. )
Comments 4
nicely done. :P I like your writing style!
The interaction between them is very sweet and believable for the characters, while also showing how the brothers are different. Faramir seems to take being sick much more in his stride than I can imagine Boromir ever doing. :)
There's some lovely wording here as well. I particularly like the description of Sindarin - the liquid sounds of the words, the beauty of the letter strokes, the puzzle of the translation, the art of choosing the right well-turned phrase and The elder brother backed circumspectly away from the sheaf of papers he had brought in, as if afraid that the assignments might be as communicable as Faramir’s flu. And I remember Corusael from Gained In Translation, yay for recurring minor OCs! :)
Oh, *laughing*, thank you for putting in your race! We appreciates it, doesn't we precious?
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