PROTIP: If Naruto and Sasuke get married, neither one of them has to be the "wife", because they're both men. Get your icky rigid gender roles out of my slash (and also out of my non-slash, while you're at it).
Haha, I remember in one of David Sedaris' books someone asked him who the woman was in his relationship with his boyfriend and his response was something like "Actually, we're both men! That's what makes us homosexuals!"
Super late myself, but... my brain nearly shut down when I tried to explain this to a co-worker, after I had previously managed to fight the urge to burst into generic angry yelling when she asked the question in the first place. I wish something this clever had popped into my head... things might have turned out so much better. And she, hey, might have believed me.
Gender stereotyping just needs to die already.
In short: People = D:, your comment = :DDD
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