Title: The Self-Destructive Ways of Miles and Alicia
Author: Royalty25
Rating: NC-17
Prompt Set: 100.2
Prompt: # 70 Misery for
100quills Word Count: 656
Summary: Miles and Alicia find out about each other's self-destructive behavior
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine.
Warnings: cutting, self-destructive behavior
Unexpected events always have a way of affecting people. It depends on the individual's personality how they'll take it. Big moves makes Angelina Johnson hyperventilate while they have little or no effect on Ronald Weasley. Getting a failing grade causes Hermione Granger to get extremely upset while Marcus Flint expects it. If this is so with events then maybe the same can be said about emotions.
Emotions are felt by everyone, but not in the same way. When Lavender Brown gets depressed she goes shopping to feel better, but Miles Bletchley goes for a walk instead. When Draco Malfoy gets angry he takes it out on Harry Potter, but Michael Corner writes it down instead. There are certain actions that can be destructive either to others or one's self.
When misery overwhelms Alicia Spinnet she cuts. She doesn't mean to do it, it just happens. She doesn't even know how it happens. Most people don't even know this about her. She's afraid of getting help because of what people will think of her. She knows she needs help, but doesn't want to risk her reputation of being a good girl. Good girls aren't cutters. It's as simple as that.
After losing a Quidditch game, she retreats into the quietest of places to cut. It's the only way she knows how to relieve stress. She covers up her scars with magic, but it won't be long before someone finds out about her bad habit.
When misery usually stemming from his low self-esteem takes a hold of Miles Bletchley he throws up. It started off as a way to lose a few pounds before Quidditch season, but now it's turned into a way of life. He doesn't know how to deal with his problems. His different Quidditch captains always pushed him to be thin and would make fun of him if he was one pound overweight.
Miles is a relatively thin boy, but doesn't feel this way. He doesn't like to expose himself in any way and refuses to change. He wants to, but his own reluctance scares him because he knows he can die if he doesn't stop.
Who would've thought that by chance these two who run into each other in a bathroom as they were both engaging in self-destructive behavior. Alicia looks horrified in seeing Miles in his current state. Miles is absolutely disgusted with Alicia's choice to cut. He can see a little bit of blood running down her arm. It's enough to be noticeable, but not enough to cause her to bled to death.
"What are you doing?" Miles asks her.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Well ladies first."
"No, I'm not telling you anything."
"Fine, suit yourself. You don't anyone what you saw and I won't tell anyone what I saw."
"Doesn't it feel disgusting to throw up? I never enjoyed it myself when I was sick."
"It's not the best thing to do, but it's all I know how to do. What about you? Don't be so quick to judge me when you're standing in front of me with a bloody arm."
"I'm stressed out."
"You're not the only one."
As they keep talking they realize that both are going through similar things. Soon they are agreeing to meet up with each other on a daily basis to keep in contact. It didn't take long for Alicia to tell Miles what is stressing her out to the point of cutting. She feels ashamed about her decision to do this, but doesn't know how to express her pain to anyone. Miles shares his dissatisfaction with his body and why he's so preoccupied with it. He shares his doubts about himself and explains where his low self-esteem came from. They both realize that if only they didn't assume so many things about people and weren't so afraid as a result, then maybe they'd be able to seek the help they both need. This doesn't happen right away though. It takes time for the misery to subside.