Title: A New Day to Grieve
Author: Royalty25
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 100.2
Prompt: # 3 Fog for
100quills Word Count: 406
Summary: Alicia appreciates fog once more.
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine.
Warnings: minor character death
There is nothing wrong with foggy days. People just don't like fog for one reason or another. The most common reason is because you can't really see anything in front of you when it's really foggy. People like to see where they're going. The only exception to this is when people deliberately let themselves wander. This happens more often than people are willing to admit.
Alicia learned to appreciate fog the day her mother died. She was too depressed to function and her father was too shocked to be there for her. Unfortunately this forced Alicia to seek comfort within herself. She couldn't find any justification for her mother's death. The only thing she knew was that her mother was gone and there was a hole in her heart. She knew how dramatic this sounded, but death wasn't something one usually takes lightly. It's a drastic change.
That day was one of the sunniest day that summer, but Alicia could get no pleasure from this knowledge. Little by little she created this fog around her so she could stay in her depression. It was where she felt comfortable. At first it was difficult to deal with, but once she got into a routine with her depression it became a way of life. As the years passed the fog lifted and Alicia was able to live her life. She accepted her mother's death, but wasn't still done grieving.
Years later she learned of her father's death. She had been visiting family in Bulgaria when it happened. She didn't sink into another depression this time. Instead it seemed as though the world around her sunk into the depression instead. It was raining hard outside and the fog in the air made it difficult for Alicia to see her hands if she placed them in front of herself. As she walked to her apartment, she felt her knees buckle underneath her and she fell. The fact the sidewalk was slippery and wet didn't help.
Miles helped her to her feet. "Are you ok?"
She shook her head. She didn't look up at Miles when she said, "My father's dead."
Miles walked her to her apartment that day. When they got there Alicia burst into tears and Miles was there for her for as long as she needed him. Once she was in a better mood he left. It was all like a dream to Alicia because she couldn't see Miles leave through the fog.