Title: Desire Abridged
Author: Royalty25
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 100.2
Prompt: #2 Desire
100quillsWord Count: 289
Summary: Miles wants a relationship with Alicia, but there isn't enough time. Miles is left dwelling on emotions too difficult to express.
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine.
Warnings: N/A
Notes: Inspired by a certain classmate in my Creative Writing class.
Miles wasn't the type of man who openly admitted his desires to others, but he would make a special exception when it came to Alicia. He hated how cliche it sounded, but words failed him otherwise. He was smitten. He didn't know why. It could've been her hair. Or the way her hips met her thighs. Or the way her eyes looked at him as though they wanted to dissect him. Or the way she smiled and made him think the smile is only meant for him. Or the way she interrupted him with insight he never imagined would prove useful later on.
Oh, he could count the ways she gives him goosebumps, but that's hardly useful. What would she do with this information? Reject him flat out and express extreme dislike for his tastelessness? The way he would express it would leave no room for interpretation hence tastelessness. He was brazen like that. Or perhaps she would take him up on his offer of a night of passion, but how empty would that leave the two of them in the morning? He wanted more from her, but couldn't pin it down. His hesitation would be the death of him.
She was reluctant as well. They would soon part ways and as she told him, "There isn't enough time to have anything, but an initial friendship would be nice." The words poured out of her mouth with such fervor that he wanted to kiss her until she was quiet; kiss her until she stopped breathing and her heart skipped a beat. The only reason he would know it skipped a beat is because she would get this wild look in her eyes and he would know he needed to stop.