Title: Irreplaceable
Author: Royalty25
Pairing: Terence/Hermione
Prompt: #21 Time
[10/50] for
lions_serpentsWord Count: 384
Rating: PG
Summary: Hermione decides to stand her ground on a important problem, knowing the proper solution.
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine.
Notes: Dedicated to the coworkers I'm leaving behind since resigning.
She heard the door close softly at 2 in the morning for the third time in the row. It had been difficult for her to come to terms with what was happening, but she was forced to. It was either she accept reality or continue to feed into the denial that was tearing her apart. She choose acceptance.
Later that morning while he slumbered peacefully she packed his bags. Hermione Granger wouldn't allow any man to walk all over her. She was better than that and deserved better treatment. Once she got tired of packing all his things she simply threw them out onto the street and smiled maliciously as she did so. Around 10 in the morning he woke up and glanced out the window.
"I'm in the kitchen Terence," Hermione replied calmly.
Terence Higgs bolted out of the bedroom he shared with Hermione, anger clearly written in his face. Hermione was reading the morning paper while she enjoyed a cup of tea. She barely noticed his arrival and was acting as though she was surprised to see him so excited.
"Why are my things out on the street?"
"Because you don't live here anymore."
"You. Don't. Live. Here. Anymore," she told him slowly.
"Why? Are you out of your mind woman?"
"You've been cheating on me. No, I'm quite sane. Thanks for asking."
"I haven't been..." he started.
"Don't even finish that statement. I already know what you're going to say."
Terence stood there dumbfounded. He continued to argue with the brunette. Hermione laughed because he was arguing for no reason. She had already made up her mind and there was no going back. She was always the kind of person who stood by her decisions. No matter how difficult, necessary or mean they were. She had to do what was best for her.
He demanded proof and easily provided him with it. She threw pictures of him with the other woman in his face. He looked at them briefly before tearing them apart and crying foul. "Someone is obviously out to get me," he cried.
Once he saw that arguing wasn't getting him anywhere he decided another method would be needed. He would leave, but intended to return once he had come up with a plan on how to get Hermione back. He stormed out of the house soon after thinking this.