Title: 'The Sequel'
Fandom: Desperate Housewives
Pairings: Bree Van deKamp and Lynette Scavo
Chapter: Part VII
Rating: N18
Author's Note: This chapter is calm until the very end, then it deals with some pretty kinky issues - please keep that in mind.
Enjoy. )
Comments 8
Keep it up hun, you rock!!!
hugs, mc4ever
If I had Bree as a piece of furniture, I would make her a table, a sofa, a bed, and... Oh! I know, a breakfast tray... you know, across the bed...
OK, I'm dreaming a little... Who doesn't?
Can't wait for the next part!
You're amazing, like always!
I feel guilty for completely ignoring your email... but trust me, it's not that I'm ignoring you, I just haven't much more time in the evening other than to try to write a part of this story. I'll get to it soon, I hope! xox
i just came back from school, breakfast on my table, opened lj and here it was - your story, so perfectly breakfast-ly :) Anyway, perfect thing to begin a day with - good piece of fanfictess' fic.
But, for god's sake, DECIDE (!!!) what will happen next and write. Pretty, pretty, please;)
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And you're right, it is unlike her to want to stay.... maybe she won't. ;)
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