Title: 'The Sequel'
Fandom: Desperate Housewives
Pairings: Bree Van deKamp and Lynette Scavo
Chapter: Part X - finale!
Rating: PG-13ish
Author's Note: I know this icon is from 'Bang' and it's totally out of context but I had to find a 'sad Lynette' looking picture in a hurry and this is all I could find and then I had to make an icon by myself!! (
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Comments 13
hugs-n-kisses, mc4ever
Wonderful work *claps her hands*
(In my mind Bree comes back eventually, 'cause I can't stay to see Lynette suffer for long)
Thank you for such a thorough comment! I very much appreciate you pointing those things out and complimenting me on them. As for Bree - as I said, this story isn't over forever.... so anything could happen. :D
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Thank you so much; I'm very proud to hear that I've not only tugged at your heartstrings but made you feel involved in the story. To be honest, as you've been, it was quite a bit harder to write entire chapters based solely on emotions without any sex involved! *lol* But seeing that you can all appreciate a good story with or without the sex, I think I'll continue to write more involved plotlines (but don't worry, there will still be copious amounts of sex!).
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Thank you, I'm impressed that I managed to reach in and squeeze your heart. Impressed and pleased with myself. ;)Thank you for reading, for commenting, for being so loyal to read everything I write and for crying! Heehee.
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