Dean makes Blue incredibly nervous. He's clearly dangerous and Blue's pretty sure it's more a matter of when than if for things going sour. However, he's also really, really reluctant to give up entirely. One, because Blue doesn't like giving up on people, especially after trauma. And two, because Sam doesn't want to give up on Dean, so Blue's willing to stick it out. Feeling bad for Dean will not stop Blue from keeping a very close on him though, just in case. When things do go bad, Blue plans on pulling no punches either, guilt or not.
Daw. Yeah, it's kinda-sorta like that on Dean's end too. He recognizes that Sam cares a lot for Blue and when Sam cares so much for something, that shoots Blue way way up the priority list: pretty much second on People Who Need to Survive Stat. Dean's not sure what to make of him as a person though. Kind of snarky sometimes and also a stubborn guy with the whole "don't be my meat shield" gig. Though if something were to happen, Dean would have to choose between Blue and Sam and while he knows it would wreck Sam, he does think he'd get over it, for no other reason than that he literally can't see an alternative to not getting over it. Blue turning into a Hound kind of makes him a little wary since he's basically a demon killer, but so far it's more...neutral? Dean's basically wanting to protect Blue and go to great lengths to do it, even if it's boiling down to sacrifice, although it's not as personal as it is with Sam.
There are not enough words to describe how much Blue loves Sam. He adores the man and Sam is pretty much his entire world. He loves that Sam will joke with him, but that they can also have serious talks from time to time. Blue's still not great at the give and take of a balanced relationship, but he's really trying because he wants to make Sam happy. Even if that means sometimes being coddled, which is so far out of his comfort zone that it isn't funny. Blue still thinks he isn't worth Sam's time, but he's definitely getting better at not saying that. Sam has really done wonders for his self esteem and his self-preservation has really kicked. Blue now thinks before he speaks sometimes and doesn't get horribly twitchy when he acts like an adult. So, Sam made him grow up a little and, more importantly, made him feel okay about being an adult. Really, Blue's pretty sure that the only thing that could make his life with Sam more awesome is if Sam agrees to the bubble.
While Sam won't ever agree to being Bubble Boy of Arizona, Blue could pretty much ask him anything else and he'd (try to) do it. Thanks to his past, Sam is still terrified Blue's going to end up burning to death on the ceiling or taken from him in one of any horrible ways but he's trying not to fret about it too much and enjoy being in love and being with Blue. Sam doesn't really understand why Blue doesn't think he's worth Sam's time and why Blue even looked twice at him in the first place. Blue really is everything to Sam, he loves him more than he ever thought it was possible to love someone. Blue's Sam's entire world and Sam's best friend as well as his husband and lover. Blue's also the only person ever to make Sam be sappy, but Sam's opinion is that words aren't enough to describe how much and in how many ways he loves Blue.
This last episode aside, Blue really likes Gabe. He's pretty confident in Gabriel's leadership abilities and trusts him without question on the battlefield. Off the battlefield, he thinks Gabe is a pretty cool angel. He likes him and definitely thinks he's good for Dean. Blue's not really sure how to feel about the adopting Cutter thing. Mainly because it now officially gives him headaches when he tries to figure out how their family tree works.
Gabriel will always have a soft spot for Blue even if he has fallen into his default of 'he hates me' after the latest episode. Gabriel thinks Blue's funny and smarter than he gives himself credit for and he's grateful to Blue for helping Dean with his friendship. Before 'verses merged so beautifully, Gabe would have puppynapped Blue to work for him if he thought he could have gotten away with it, but with the merge he doesn't need to so he's v. happy about that, bc fighting with Mike is Gabe's bad and sad place.
Raz definitely seems to be the most laid back Archangel to Blue. All the science stuff is still over his head, but he likes that Raz doesn't always seem to use it for the boring good and will dabble in entertainment. Blue also feels like he owes Raz a lot, because of both the information he provides and the fact that he basically saved Sam's life. It's also in Blue's head that they need to go on a double date, because he still can't believe Raz and Russ are an item.
Can't stop laughing at the double date idea so this means it must be done. Raz likes Blue a lot - if Raz didn't have Thumper as his BFF, I suspect it'd be Blue who got roped into Raz's crazy plans for fun and mischeif. He may yet do that, depending how the aaaaaaangst machine wheels turn, because Raz is of the opinion that the world needs more fun and mischeif and Blue is good at both.
Cutter is Blue's first best friend that was actually a best friend and not just a boy/girlfriend and he gets a special spot in Blue's heart. Blue loves that they work so well together that they barely even need to talk during missions and he loves snarking with Cutter during fights. He's definitely a little more protective of Cutter than he is of the other Hounds just because they've been partners for so long. It will forever kill him a little that Cutter and Sam don't get along.
Aaaaand, see epic AIM logs for the rest of it. Their quoting kills me.
Comments 19
Aaaaand, see epic AIM logs for the rest of it. Their quoting kills me.
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