The banners are lovely, but I'm not sure how to use mine (Most Favored). Does anyone have any advice for how to get it on my lj (and where I'm supposed to put it)? I write, but everything else just flies over my head ;>
Do you have like a photobucket account (its one of the sites you can upload pics to so they can then be posted on websites and LJ)? If not you need to set one up. It's free. Then you just right click on your award here, hit copy, paste it to your computer (this will save it on your computer) w/a name on it you will recognize, go to photobucket acct, and it will prompt you to upload. All you have to do is hit the browse button, browse the file (or your desktop if that is where you pasted the award banner), click on the name you gave the banner, the site will automatically upload it to photobucket. Once that is done you can open another window, go to your LJ, type up whatever you want to say in your post to go along with the banner, put your cursor over the banner on photobucket (don't click it), a little window will pop up directly underneath it with link options, then highlight the link on your photobucket that says HTML code, copy that, and past it on your LJ post.
I hope that helps and that I got all of the steps right. Rae
Comments 24
I hope that helps and that I got all of the steps right.
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