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Comments 9

eva_aftagrl June 13 2011, 05:47:39 UTC
Have to go to bed before I get to read this but I thought you might want to know that I think Target has Justified for 14.99 this week.


fangirl_101 June 13 2011, 14:47:35 UTC
Oooh! Thanks for the info! It's my birthday Friday so I might just treat myself to some sexy Raylan Givens ;)


eva_aftagrl June 13 2011, 15:38:41 UTC
That is a really good way to celebrate a birthday. Me, I just went to Glennbrook and rode the carousel (twice).


fangirl_101 June 13 2011, 16:58:25 UTC
That carousel is awesome! it's two stories!!! I think I rode it on my 21st :D


teruel_a_witch June 13 2011, 11:57:59 UTC
Haha, I laughed at the group trying to cover up their tracks very poorly, and I'm very excited to learn what the intervention is really about :D


fangirl_101 June 13 2011, 14:50:31 UTC
lol yeah, I figured there's no way these knuckleheads would be able to memorize and *convincingly* deliver a script, so it seemed in character for them to fumble their lines and go down in flames. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!! The explanation for the intervention is coming up next :D


eva_aftagrl June 13 2011, 12:06:05 UTC
Haha as soon as Shirley said the group love and supported thm I knew it was intervention time LOVE IT!!!


fangirl_101 June 13 2011, 14:51:37 UTC
Thanks so much!!


(The comment has been removed)

fangirl_101 June 18 2011, 12:31:08 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you're liking it so far. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!!!


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