Title: Pillows and Life Jackets Author: fangirl_101 Pairing: Jeff/Annie Spoilers: Future fic, established relationship Disclaimer: Just having some fluffy fun Word Count: 670
Thanks! It was fun to write something short and sweet- nothing serious. It only took me like a half hour, something I'd never thought possible to do given my OCD about my writing and first, second and third revisions.
I would love to see what Annie's reaction is when she wakes up and finds Jeff home early. (And if she gets nervous and tries to give another reason for why she's in his bed.)
Thanks for lovely feedback!! I saw this as just a cute one-shot, but if I get a decent idea for how to continue it, you may be seeing a second part. I wouldn't get your hopes up though, my fics are few and far between.
Well, I don't consider myself much of a writer. I've only written four fics, all for this fandom. Community is my first experience with fandom, so I'm still kinda new to this world. But like a first crush, I've fallen hard for it :)
Anyway, I actually do better with prompts. I have a hard time coming up with an idea for a story, so if someone tells me at least four or five things that they want to happen, then I have something to go off of.
I wrote a fic for greta_garbo for her birthday and she gave me a list of things to include. I consider it my best fic.
If you want to give me some prompts, I'd be happy to take a stab at writing a fic for you. It might take me awhile, though. The English major in me likes to do multiple drafts and revisions.
Comments 14
Thanks for reading and commenting--makes my day!
I would love to see what Annie's reaction is when she wakes up and finds Jeff home early. (And if she gets nervous and tries to give another reason for why she's in his bed.)
Aw, shucks. Really?
Anyway, I actually do better with prompts. I have a hard time coming up with an idea for a story, so if someone tells me at least four or five things that they want to happen, then I have something to go off of.
I wrote a fic for greta_garbo for her birthday and she gave me a list of things to include. I consider it my best fic.
If you want to give me some prompts, I'd be happy to take a stab at writing a fic for you. It might take me awhile, though. The English major in me likes to do multiple drafts and revisions.
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