First Stop Friday

Apr 01, 2011 12:37

Please excuse any completely random words. My TextEdit's autocorrect feature is being overzealous and trying to turn it off has strangely only made it worse. I might not have caught all the switches.

Fandom: Inception
Title: boy who blocked his own shot
Artist: Seiko-Assasin
Rating: Maybe Teen? There's blood and character death.
Summary: "Go to sleep, Mr. Eames." (Arthur/Eames)
Why I fangirl this: I haven't dabbled much in the Inception fandom, but I stumbled across this and it took me completely by surprise. The beautiful artwork combined with the echoed line from the movie broke my heart.

Fandom: Inception/500 Days of Summer
Title: Trouble Sleeping
Author: rustedstardust
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: In his first dream after the interview, he gets an obscure impression of Summer Finn in soft focus, pirouetting in a swirl of patterned skirts. Somewhere, a Narrator speaks: acquaintance with grief turns out to be one of the more unusual prerequisites of architectural appreciation.

Thomas Arthur Hansen wakes up confused.

(mild Eames/Arthur, past Tom/Summer)
Why I fangirl this: I actually watched 500 Days of Summer just so I could read this story. I love crossover stories that assume characters played by the same actor are actually the same person.

Fandom: Toy Story 3
Title: Creative Writing 101
Author: Xris
Rating: Teen and up
Status: Complete (10139 words)
Summary: So where did you start with a Creative Writing class, exactly? His specialty was pre-Victorian Romantic lit. Not…contemporary student pseudo-dramas. (Andrew "Andy" Davis, Bonnie Anderson with some Buzz/Woody in there, too.) 
Why I fangirl this: I left Toy Story 3 with a bug in my head I couldn't shake: What if Andy and Bonnie met again when they were both grown up? It could be really interesting to explore. He gave her his beloved toys, after all. Luckily for me, I'm not the only one who wondered.

Fandom: The Pretender
Title: The Pretender - Fan Trailer
Vidder: 2BenyBoi
Rating: Teen
Summary: Trailer for the entire series.
Why I fangirl this: I've watched all of Pretender twice in the past year and when I watch this vid, I want to start all over again.

Fandom: Dexter
Title: The Way
Author: Basingstoke
Rating: Teen and up
Status: Complete (3114 words)
Summary: The way Frank Lundy finds a killer. (AU, Frank Lundy/Debra Morgan, Rita Bennet/Dexter Morgan)
Why I fangirl this: Lundy has been my favorite character almost from the second he appeared on screen and his relationship with Deb was my favorite part of the second season of Dexter. I think the main reason season three didn't live up to season two for me was a distinct lack of Frank Lundy. He seemed half a step away from unmasking Dexter as the Bay Harbor Butcher at some points and I've always wondered what could have happened had he stuck around. This story is it, the perfect alternate universe for me to keep in my head when I want to pretend that he did stay.

Fandom: Dexter
Title: Hey Soul Sister
Vidder: cypanache
Rating: I'm gonna say R for violence.
Summary: Dexter/Lumen fanvid
Why I fangirl this: I didn't ship this pairing at all until I watched this vid. It really helped me appreciate the fifth season.

Fandom: Dexter
Title: Dexter Morgan
Artist: Stanbos
Rating: G
Why I fangirl this: There are no words, OK? I'm sorry, just… click the link.

Fandom: The Nanny
Title: Marie of Roumania
Author: Normative Jean
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Complete (7132 words)
Summary: Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,

A medley of extemporanea;

And love is a thing that can never go wrong;

And I am Marie of Roumania.
--"Comment" by Dorothy Parker

Pre-series, Niles/CC unholy alliance (Hey, it's Niles and CC, I wouldn't really call it friendship.)
Why I fangirl this: Because Niles/CC banter is a part of my childhood and this story has a lot of it. Good banter, too, which I've had trouble finding elsewhere.

Fandom: Glee
Title: Sacrilege (and its follow-up, Power Switch)
Author: ellydash
Rating: NC-17 (Hate sex. References to pegging.)
Status: Complete (8474 words, 9458 words)
Summary: Sacrilege - Will shaves his head, gets drunk with Sue on a Friday night and makes an impulsive decision. It’s what happens next, though, that he really needs to worry about.

Power Switch - Sue and the Cheerios receive second place at Nationals, catalyzing a (literal) explosion that results in Sue teaching a U.S. history class, with a newly promoted Will supervising. Sue’s not happy. Will’s out of his depth.

Why I fangirl this: Every now and then I get a pairing in my head that I can't shake and I want to read fic for it like nobody's business, but I can never quite find the right one to scratch that itch. There's also a moment sometimes when I find a fic that is the epitome of a pairing and I never have to look again because, for me, it's the one.

This is the one for Sue/Will. It hits all the right notes. It's perfect for me. I almost don't want to go searching for Sue/Will written by anyone other than ellydash, because I know nothing will quite match up to this.

Fandom: Glee
Title: Hey Kurt
Artist: chelcifer
Rating: Teen for language?
Summary: Dave Karofsky is the spiritual reincarnation of Helga G. Pataki. (Unrequited Dave/Kurt)
Why I fangirl this: I would fangirl this just for Dave's arm and leg hair, seriously. If you're familiar with the current Kurt storyline on Glee and Hey Arnold, just click on the link, please.

Fandom: Alias/Bridget Jones
Title: Jack Bristow at the Edge of Reason
Author: Yahtzee
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete
Summary: In which a vital Rambaldi manuscript makes its way into the possession of of a London publisher, one "Miss Bridget Jones." (JB/BJ, sort of)
Why I fangirl this: Because I just can't possibly pass up the chance to read about how Bridget Jones would deal with being thrust into the crazy spy world of Alias. And how Jack Bristow would deal with, well, Bridget Jones.

Fandom: Hannibal Lecter
Title: House Call
Author: thisiszircon
Rating: Adult
Status: Complete
Summary: An extended version of a scene (Dr. Lecter visits Clarice's home) from Hannibal the movie. Departs film 'canon'.
Why I fangirl this: When I'm feeling a little nostalgic for my days in the Lecter fandom, chances are I'm going to go looking for one of Zircon's stories. I'm always up for stories that branch off from a specific moment in canon and this is one of my favorite 'what ifs' in the fandom.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Not Even a Mouse
Author: Potter47
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Dumbledore has a new idea for the delivery of presents on Christmas morning at Hogwarts-a positively wonderful, awful idea-and Hermione finds herself in unexpected company as a result of it. (SS/HG friendship)
Why I fangirl this: My fangirl_tour stop wouldn't be complete without some Snape/Hermione. My brother wrote this for me for Christmas, so perhaps I'm cheating a little, but I don't really care. :P

!official fangirl tour stop, 500 days of summer, hannibal lecter series, harry potter, the nanny, the pretender, toy story 3, bridget jones, dexter, glee, alias, inception

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