Title: Heavenly
Pairing: NishiKato
Genre: Slight AU, Supernatural
Rating: PG
Words: 364
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, if I do, I wouldn’t write this.
Summary: Shige watches everyone from the heavens
A/N: I killed Shige in here. >__< And first fanfic. Not beta-ed. Loosely based on Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
I’m Kato Shigeaki and just last week, December 16, 2009, I was murdered. I’m in heaven, you see. They still haven’t found my body. It’s in a bag near my apartment, mine and Ryo’s apartment, we share. Where’s the murderer, you ask? Gone. Lost. Never to be found. He immediately went to a person who makes fake IDs, passports and stuff. He changed his name. No traces of my murderer. From Nakashima Rey to Hirano Tsubasa, he changed. They became smart, those murderers and kidnappers. But enough about my murderer, still lost in the amount of money he got from my wallet, that’s for my tuition, by the way.
What I am more concerned about is NEWS. I’m already reported as lost and in a few hours, they will find my body, stinking because it’s been there in the bag for almost a week now. It’s December 21 now. How would everyone react? My parents? Ryo? Koyama? Yamapi, Massu, Tegoshi? The fans? How will ther all react? I can see the headline now: “Johnny’s Idol Kato Shigeaki, Robbed and Murdered in an Alley in Shibuya Late at Night?”
What does heaven look like? I can create my own heaven. I have a house here. My own set of cameras, gardens, my own gazebo, my own cat, one that looks a lot like Wagahai, and many things that I wanted. But the things most want, I can’t have, Ryo, my family, LIFE. I made friends here in heaven. I have my own heaven but it intersects those other heaven, making me know other people. My heavenly adviser, Mika, died of a car accident, she’s a very pretty girl, aged 17. She’s been here for 10 years. So she’s my sempai. She tells me a lot of things that I should know about heaven and earth. And one more thing, I can see the spirits when they leave the body, I watch it sometimes, the spirits twirling in mid-air while leaving the body. And before I forget, I can watch people, switch from my parents, to NEWS, to my university friends, to Johnny-san, to my murderer, and to random fangirls, I can see just about anyone.