Title: A Broken Heart ...Or Two
Author: me
Couple: Undefined, unspecified. Probably yamaki
summary: EMO.
A!N: Inspired by something someone said somewhere.It made me emo so tada! i wrote an emo drabble. but seriously some people are so freakin blind -_-''' Dedicated to somebody: dude, freakin OPEN YOUR EYES
I love you. Why can't you see?
"She rejected me..." You confide in me. You tell me everything. I hear a catch in your voice. Are you holding back tears?
"Things looked good. Then it all went rolling downhill. What's the point? Of chasing and chasing. Doing all that stuff?" I remain silent. I can't trust myself to say anything right now. If you would just turn around. Just notice this person who would never reject you. This person who has always been chasing your footsteps. This person who would never hurt you because doing so would hurt them a million times more.
"I just want her. So bad. Is that impossible?" You look up at me. I see frustration in your eyes, reflecting the very same expression in mine. My heart is hurting right now from the multiple stab wounds that you innocently, unknowingly afflicted upon me.
A tear slids down my cheek. I choke out an apology and turn away from you. More tears escape as I run further from you, your clueless expression that slowly slid into realization becomes all that I can see.