Mar 21, 2009 16:59
... get this out of the way before it happens again...
Attention: Yes, I am a demihuman. Yes, I have a horn on my forehead.
No, I do not appreciate people staring at it!
For the love of the goddess, I am not some kind of unicorn on display at the zoo! I am man, just like you, and I demand that I be respected as one!
* format: voice,
not a unicorn,
* filter: public
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Comments 83
... I suppose you are right. It could be worse. Though I have blue hair, so I think I have an idea of what that feels like, as well.
Vhat hyu gots to do iz make dem zo scared of hyu dot dey just remembers dot, und den dey do as hyu zay. Pipple respects claws und sharp, pointy tings.
[Leo clears his throat.]
A... a few hundred years? I doubt I will be around that long, unfortunately. It is comforting, though, to know that I am not the only one out there with a horn...
Hah, yes. 'Pointy things' like fangs and swords. Trust me, I already know that.
Me, I'm a giant bird. Ain't nothing I can do to get rid of the staring.
Meanwhile, humans never see us marveling over how much they look like apes.
It's sad, isn't it? How people need a warning to know the regular, proper etiquette of how it's not nice to stare at others~.
Yes, it is disappointing. One would hope that people could manage the decency to show some respect, and yet...
Of course, I apologize if any of my own curiousity has made you uncomfortable. Rather, I genuinely welcome you to our ship with open arms. I am sure you will make a fine addition to this crew.
I suppose that is one way of looking at it. However, this has been going on since long before I set foot on this ship, so forgive me if I seem cynical, but I am doubtful that "unique individual" is exactly how others see me.
Besides, I hardly need a horn to assert my individuality.
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