[Aaaaand, he'll probably be sleeping when she arrives. |: Or at the very least, half-snoozing on what counts as furniture in the newly rearranged house.]
[offline]angle_on_itNovember 24 2011, 02:14:55 UTC
[He doesn't get the text before he hears the knock, actually, so he's reading the text as he groggily pulls the door open.] Hey... [Oh, right, now he remembers the last time he saw Suki and he averts his eyes and turns, gesturing for her to come inside.] C'mon in.
Comments 30
[Aaaaand, he'll probably be sleeping when she arrives. |: Or at the very least, half-snoozing on what counts as furniture in the newly rearranged house.]
[And after awhile, there's a knock at the door.]
Hey. Are you alright?
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