Title: WIP of Sudden onset Wings
Author: Zoe
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: Eventual McShep
Status of WIP: weeeellllll It's been languishing for a while. I need to finish my vampire!John story first and I always have this story in my mind. I don't know if I ever will finish it but it's a pining!John story where DADT has just been repealed and he doesn't just
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Comments 16
I hope to finish this story someday! I keep it in my WIP folder so you never know!
I like all the character insights that go along with having the wings.
(Rodney's jealousy over Ronon's utility belt is priceless!)
I think rodney would be SO JEALOUS.
UTILITY BELT. He wants one!
I missed it on my regular LJ flist, so I'll be friending you to make sure I get any further installments.
I'm working on a different mcshep at the moment so this one is still languishing :( but hopefully the other one gets finished!
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