Title: Shadow Chapter: 1/1 Oneshot Pairing: ReitaxRuki Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story sadly Summary: What is a shadow really? Comments: Sorry for this llD completely short piece of bleh. I'm such a bad writer i know I'm just trying to clear writers block.
Ah xD this fic is one of my first, and frankly not one I'm most proud of lol. However, thank you so much for all your kind words it's nice to have a fan. Honestly though at this time the only fics of mine I'm really proud of are Loved and Screwed Over, and Illuminated Grey. I hope to have the next chapter of Loved and Screwed Over out soon ^^.
Comments 3
Alright, I'm officially a fan of yours! X) I really liked the depth of this. Great job!
Oh, really?! I thought it was good. ^^ ♡
And I can't wait for said update!
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