Well, I'm back, more or less patched up.
Went on to Westmead on Wednesday and was in the theater pretty past, got prepped. Had a local put into my arm (Dr Swinnen prefers to use the fistula if it's in the arm, as it always gives him a chance to see if anythings needs 'fixing') and I nearly jumped off the bed when it went up into my shoulder and chest. Apparently they found the problem straight away. My left subclavian had decided to become completely blocked and the previous 3 stents that were to last about 4 years had estimated to have collapsed in about a year and a half because of the pressure.
I hadn't seen Dr Swinnen since after the transplant. I vaguely remember seeing him just after, but then I went back to surgery to fix a massive bleed and was then moved to ICU.
All I know is that miscommunication happened and no more appointments were made. So, he was pretty happy to see me, even gave me a hug.
Ok, now for what happened.
They went in and this is what they found:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151808662243157&set=pb.552923156.-2207520000.1386261717.&type=3&theater This is the before shot. As you can see the blood was going up the neck veins and so forth instead of going down. My left subclavian was completely clotted off and had caused the previous stents to collapse and make the blockage longer. So, that's why my face was so bloated and red. And trust me, I had neck pains too.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151808670908157&set=pb.552923156.-2207520000.1386261879.&type=3&theater This is after 3 stents were put in and they did some 'ballooning' with a medicine coated band (its something to do with cancer medication that halts the healing process so it won't scar, I'm a test subject as he hasn't done it one anybody with suppressed immune systems yet.)
All cleaned up and flowing back towards (or away... can't remember) towards heart and lungs. Within half an hour my face had gone more to its normal colour, I could breath lying down without help of the oxygen and my neck and chest didn't hurt as much. Hopefully with proper care I won't have to go back for six months. Fingers crossed.
And as I said, I was bloated:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151772895073157&set=a.10151291625718157.467888.552923156&type=1 After:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151801449163157&set=pb.552923156.-2207520000.1386264592.&type=3&theater Can you believe that that pic was taken a day AFTER? It's going to take a while for the fluid to come away, and I wasn't exactly thin to begin with. But... Wow, the DIFFERENCE!! I'm awake from 9am to 1am... With no naps! ... No, I lie, yesterday I was in bed with a headache, and today was just fucking cold. But I got up, fed my animals their morning meals and I washed and dried up! Then felt awake enough to play WOW. I can walk around and not get puffed, my neck has stopped hurting and.......... MY BOOBS ARE NORMAL AGAIN!!!!! Back to D14!!!! The skin is, well, I have stretch marks and no damn baby to show for it. But it's kind of ruined, but... Wow, my back no longer hurts because of it!
In a few days, I got for an ultrasound and hopefully I get the all clear or he goes back in to keep fixing. But god, I'd marry the man if I could. I know it sounds stupid but I was seriously considering of how to fucking end it all just to escape the breathlessness, pain and depression even though I am does to eyeballs on antidepressants.
Anyway, here's looking forward to a good Christmas. And thank you everybody for your love and support. I would have been lost without it.
Oh! Btw, if you want to text me, my number is 0478820125 feel free o text/or email... It kind of helps me deal with it too.
Lots of love