Starting next week this comm will be hosting a Buffy the Vampire Slayer rewatch, with space for discussion, comments and any gifs, art, or even fics you fancy throwing into the mix.
The plan is as follows:
Every Monday we will post the titles of three episodes (chronological order) with a brief summary or mildly sarcastic summary because some of us are British. You are welcome to jump in and respond to that post with any points you want to make about any or all of the episodes in question. Discussion may ensue.
Every Thursday there will be a further post, asking some leading questions or making some assertions about the episodes in question, in the hope of triggering further discussion/comments. There should also be a reminder of the episodes scheduled for the following week, in case you want to use some weekend time to watch them.
We assume most members here know the show fairly well, so if you don't have time to rewatch all three episodes, feel free to comment if you feel you have something to say. Meta is particularly encouraged.
Three was the number of episodes chosen by the majority of those who voted in the poll. If it looks too taxing/too slow, we reserve the right to adjust the pace.
shapinglight and
bogwitch will mostly be leading the discussion, if "leading" is the right term. We're mainly interested in creating a platform for people to chat about what they love or hate about the show and how their current reactions may have changed from the first time they watched.
Next week we will start with the first three eps, Welcome to the Hellmouth, The Harvest and The Witch. Travel back in time with us, marvel at the clothes, the special effects, the baby faces of teh Scoobies. Have fun!