I succumbed to the meme beast. Not only may you use this post to ask me questions, which I will attempt to answer in honor of That Question Month Thingy (please note that I will not answer, and will probably delete, anonymous questions), but if you try the cut you will find the crush counter. Hell, why
Crush this person!Get your own ThisCrush.com CrushTag! It's my last night in Australia, and my last night in Sydney. This city has put hooks in me, deep. It thrills like New York thrills. I love it. I want to move here. Now I have to get in to Sydney University, but I'll worry about that tomorrow on the plane. I have dearly missed, however, the social aspect of my life. (Also I miss my computer and my sewing machine like crazy.) I know I can move here, but I also know that the tear in my life that will result will be searingly painful. But I still want to go. Odd, that.
Your Moment of Zen of Sara: Softlips comes in margarita flavor. Hells yea.
Much love. Coming soon to a time zone near you.