Title: Fall of the House of Richards (Part 5)
Author: Diana
Rating: R
Summary: In the end, it wasn’t a supervillain that destroyed them.
Warnings: Slash, dark futurefic. Narrative structure borrowed from “Memento”. Multiple parts.
Disclaimer: If I really owned them, Stan Lee would have a coronary. The song in this chapter’s title is by No Doubt.
Part Five )
Comments 5
Okay, even though they fought, the idea of Johnny and Peter being caught in the act makes me laugh. Thank you so much, just the thing to cheer me up this evening! (This definitely merits this icon)
As ever, fantastic, keep it up!! ^_^
*does first comment dance*
All of my pals including 'Sen up there love Johnny/Peter and the more they show me the more I love it and OMG I love it! And the relationship between JOhnny and Reed is developing nicely XD
Love it!
Brilliant brilliant- And now onto the next part! *swings*
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