The raft is almost done I think. I think Irvine's friends will find us before we get it done though. I'm hoping so, because I don't think our raft will work, and we'll be in a worse situation than we are now.
I've been thinking alot lately about Mugen & Jin. I really miss them. I never wanted to see them go in the first place...
They did what they promised and helped me find my father, so I suppose that should be good enough, but I miss having them around. I feel lost (well, I am lost at the moment) when they're not with me. I might have said they were useless before, but I didn't mean it.
I haven't spoken to Jin at all since we parted, and as for Mugen we've been keeping in touch somewhat. I hope I get to see him soon. That is if he even wants me around at all.