Mar 05, 2006 14:05
"SAERWENN" shall be my one and only screenname from there (except "Enchantress Of Dawn" which sounds pretty cool too I think ^^ )
Since I'm no more "Lina", not really "Sylphiel" and Mari is a little too "real-lif"-ish, Saerwenn ("Marie" in Elvish) will be fine!
Make sme think I gotta update somethings on my RP sheet on sfan, about my chara ^^
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Comments 9
How does it pronounce tough? Say-Rwenn?
Sorry about the black magic part the other day, since the other spell where in color, Imissed it :p
Say, should I add this adress to my friendlist? Since it risk of being seen and you dont want that.
Also, surprinsingly enough, this internet isn't fully frozen yet, tough very unpractical.
mmh there is one option to hide the friends I think
Cacher la liste « Ami de ».
that means I can add you but no one will see it..however, you can't add me and hide it I let's do that, and just think to have an eye on my LJ from time to time ;)
Okay, sound good, I won't expect comments from you in my livejournal, and I'll pay a visit to yours every now and then...even in the form of unloged guest you should avoid tough, has long has you don't wish for anyone to know you are active on livejournal.
bah he bien alors je commenterai tes post en repondant a tes propres comments ;p
Ben, de toutes facon, jai trop tendances à ramener le sujet à moi quand je repond aux post des autres, et je mouvre davantage que dans mon propre live journal, donc tu devrais pas avoir trop de mal à ce niveau la.
Parce que meme avec un nom pas logger out wathever, Nim est aussi sharp que nous (et avec une meilleure grammère :p ) et à mon avis elle te reconaitrait vite.
et en fait je pensais pas qu'elle me reconnaitrait pas, mais juste que je ne me loggais pas n'etant plus active sur LJ
D'un autre coté, j'aimerais bien eviter que nimporte quel looser lise mon journal, particulièrement les agents de la CIA qui m'espionnent pour le compte de Bush. @_@ (nimporte quoi :p )
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