Title: Craggy Rocks
Genre: poetry, image-inspired.
Theme: passage of time, stopped journey
Warnings: None.
Inspired by
latest entry.
Craggy rocks -
the mist touches
Your road, winding
your caravan, binding
sun, blinding
your eyes: tears.
Craggy rocks -
the mist kisses
the new day, before you rode
With your heavy load
and an ode
in your heart: hope
Craggy rocks -
the mist insidious
On the ground, the port
sacked by storms, cut short
your journey, your fort
a bastion: darkness
Craggy rocks -
the mist crawls
like time, snail's pace
past sands, past space
into your face
etched deep:
Craggy rocks.
I don't even remember whether "craggy" is a real word.