I'm just gonna. Hop into Pi's boat very briefly and be so disappoint in Kishimoto. Why do you troll us so? If I wanted to skip from Chouji making an executive decision to pull things together and end a giant free-for-all goddamn ninja battle to Naruto insisting that he must do everything ever that anyone must ever do... well, I wouldn't have fangirled so hard in my last entry :|
THAT SAID. My boy SO needs an excuse to be all giant and have someone standing around on his hand or his shoulder or something in Luceti. He just does. Zane suggested a Chouji-Luffy giant-brofist at some point that I briefly woke up to get to. If I could draw, there would already be art out there.
In other news, aaaaaaaaaaa oh my god all these delicious FMA reserves. It's wonderful. I hope that they all app in because I am so cast-greedy it's ridiculous. Also I feel like it'll turn out to be really interesting in dynamics. idek. >_>
I started going through old entries and threads from Hughes, you see. And I think that as his past year in Luceti has gone by (good friends, his daughter arriving, things being gone to hell but always so very calm when they're not), he's gotten kind of... domesticated.
Yes, more than he already was, shut uuuuup.
I mean- sure, he keeps his sidearm well-maintained and makes sure to keep up on his don't-die-in-a-fight skills. And he's stalking everything ever FOR KNOWLEDGE (goddamnit I will make his permissions post soon). His biggest concerns still lie with the general safety of the rest of the residents and the recurring drafts (mostly the fact that they're completely wiping out huge groups of enemies at specifically assigned points, and he doesn't have an all-encompassing map to rule out huge alchemic circles being behind it, cough).
But I can tell you that in spite of the icons, he's not...really wearing the uniform out and about anymore. And all that stalking mostly comes from a personal troll/social pest interest in knowing things about people. Hughes picks up random useless books from the library. He's trying to learn Polish. ...you know, since he kind of became a citizen w/e, w/e. He walks his daughter to school and picks her up at the end of the day. When he's not out ice-fishing with Smoker and trying to set him up with Grell. The man stopped introducing himself as a Lieutenant-Colonel months ago. If that's not getting settled, I don't know what is. He still does whatever he can to help people out, but it's like. Taking advantage of this "being alive" thing and all the good things that Luceti's managed to make happen has moved up on the priority list farther than it used to be. pfff as much sense as that tl;dr even made, I dunno. I've been canon-reviewing him here and there so I'm working on it. @__@