Media References to Fanfic, the week ending 5/28/16

May 30, 2016 12:48

Short, because somehow it's Monday already.

From Mike Vago on A.V. Club: Guy Fieri/Ted Cruz erotic fan fiction may be our darkest hour. Or, as Stefan Sirucek put it in Death and Taxes: This Ted Cruz/Guy Fieri erotic fiction will leave you hungry, thirsty, and scared.

From Ryan Porter in Toronto Star: Fan Fiction the Show celebrates the weird and creative.

India Today’s Shougat Dasgupta wrote From the pen of Veena S. Rao, a retired IAS officer best known for her extensive work in combating malnutrition, emerges Charlotte's End, a novel inspired by Daphne Du Maurier's perennially popular literary potboiler, Rebecca. Published between soft covers, Rao's novel is a high grade of the so-called 'fan fiction', in which authors rewrite their favourite novels.

The Times-Picayune’s Mike Scott reported 'Star Trek' fan film 'Axanar' may soon be cleared for launch, J.J. Abrams says. And, for Newsweek Marc Perton examined how ‘fan film guidelines’ Paramount and CBS have mentioned in conjunction could affect fan film creativity going forward.

New York Magazine’s Gabriella Paiella found that Viggo Mortensen in Real Life Is Even Better Than Viggo Mortensen Fan Fiction.

According to Anthony C. Hayes in Los Angeles Post-Examiner, George R.R. Martin told a recent audience "I continue to be opposed to fan fiction because it’s copyright infringement. HBO, of course, gets around this by paying me large dump trucks full of money. So, if you would like to arrive in front of my house with a large dump truck full of money, I may consider allowing you to do some fan fiction. But I won’t consider it fan fiction then. I would consider it a sub-license. I make many sub-licenses to people who do games and card games and coins, etcetera. But Harlan Ellison always had this rule that he has been very vocal about over the years. You can find his diatribe about it on YouTube: ‘PAY THE WRITER’. And I think John also feels (one must) pay the artist, because this is how we make our living."

Washington Times and other outlets carried an Associated Press piece by Lindsey Bahr on #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend. And, for The Mirror, Katy Forrester wrote The character, played in Captain America: Civil War by Chris Evans, has always been a part of the LGBT community with fans creating countless fan fiction stories and images of him and best friend Bucky Barnes as a couple.

In 'Court documents: FSU student accused of murdering parents had difficult relationship with mother' for Tampa Bay Times, Anna Phillips wrote From court documents, a picture emerges of a young woman most believed to be submissive and meek who felt she could never live up to her mother’s expectations. Resentful and extremely isolated, she escaped into role play, publishing fan fiction about Elsa, the ice queen star of the movie Frozen, and other animated characters, on Tumblr.

In a piece about 'The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture’s Fresh Start Program (FSP)' for The Freeport News, Jaimie Smith wrote From various sports topics to topics of baking, health and wellness and fan fiction, 10 of the 11 participants, two of which are male, had the opportunity to showcase and put into practice what they have learned over the past two months.

Elite Daily's Richard Truncale advised that Incoming freshmen should not worry about a lack of hobbies or campus clubs to kill spare time between classes. These days, no matter what your interest is - computer games, skydiving, academic pursuits, zombies, nature or even "Harry Potter" fan fiction - you can bet there’s a university club for it.

Finally, in a piece about a local high school track & cross country star for South Philly Review, Joseph Myers wrote Sydni Townsend loves to craft fantasy, sci-fi, and fan fiction pieces, believing that writing helps her to explore the depth of her creative potential.
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