Time for a random-totally-unrelated-topics post D;
Random funny Snickers Commercial :X
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Just completed the first game, which was meh thanks to the shitty checkpoints they had; but here's a funky commercial featuring the Morphoray weapon D;
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There was a South Park episode called "Whale Whores" featuring Cartman singing Lady Gaga's 'Poker Face' song which I found to be hilarious and better than the original D;
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For those who are interesting in Comedy-type TV series I'd recommend 30 Rock, the script adn characters are just funky XD
Anyway the latest episode made a little fun of people who undergo Lasik surgery, which I found to be hilarious and so decided to upload the video. Sadly due to retarded copyright laws I can't embed the video but I can still
put up the link to it D; ZOMBIELAND
First off, Zombieland was great! Normally not a fan of horror movies, but did not regret watching it. One interesting thing of it is this list of rules the protagonist puts together for survivors of a zombie infestation. Unfortunately the movie does not show all the rules, but some can be found on advertisements and trailers. So here are the official survival rules that are known so far; while these aren't really spoilers per say, it may be better if you've watched the movie first before watching the trailers:
1. Cardio
2. Double Tap
3. Wear Seatbelts
4. Beware of Bathrooms
5. No Attachments
6. Cast Iron Skillet
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7. Travel Light
8. Get a kickass partner
12. Bounty paper towels
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15. Bowling Ball
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17. Don't Be a Hero
18. Limber Up
21. Avoid strip clubs
22. When in doubt, know your way out
29. The Buddy System
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31. Check the back seat
32. Enjoy the little things
33. Swiss Army knife
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Now, there's already a sequel planned for it (maybe it's already in production) and an interview with the writers have yielded more rules, which have yet to be numbered but here they are anyway:
Always carry a change of underwear
Double-knot your shoe[lace]s
It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Unless it is a sprint, then sprint
Pack your stain stick
And as an omake, here's how to clone a twinkie (plus the truth about twinkies never expiring)! XD
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