- Age: 18
- Annoyance: slow dribers
- Animal: dawgz and ratz
- Actor: jack black
- Beer: good when your playing beer pong
- Birthday/Birthplace: june 4th 1990 in milwaukee
- Best Friends: alyssa and jess
- Body Part on opposite sex: def smile
- Been in Love: nope
- Been bitched at: hasn't everyone?
- Believe in yourself?: yep
- Believe in miracles: yes
- Believe in God: in a god
- Believe in Ghosts/Spirits: sure
- Believe in Evolution: absolutely, anyone who doesn't is pretty dumb
- Car: shit: Mercury Sable
- Candy: skittles
- Color: red
- Cried in school: uhm...i don't think so
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: humm both
- Cake or pie: cake
- Country to visit: Ireland
- Day or Night: the middle
- Dream vehicle:vw bus
- Dance in the rain?: sure
- Do the splits?:i am far to large to do that
- Eggs: over easy
- Eyes: hazel
- Everyone has: hands
- Ever failed a class? yep! Chemistry and almost math about 100 times
- First crush: Patrick
- Full name: Ruth Antoinette Michals
- First thoughts waking up: uhhh
- Food:pizza
- Greatest Fear: hum...not doing what i love
- Goals: help out lots of animals
- Get along with your parent(s)?: yep
- Good luck charm: uhhh...i don't think i have any yet
- Hair Color: brown
- Height: 5 foot 5 inches
- Happy: yes
- Holiday: CHRISTMAS!
- How do you want to die? in some freak way
- Health freak?: thats funny
- Hate: balloons.
I - in your preferred sex
Eye color: doesn't matter
Hair Color: doesn't matter
Height: doesn't matter
Clothing Style: just not extremely horrible
Characteristics: funny,caring,and just being comfortable with themselves.
- Ice Cream: uhm I really like turtle Sundays
- Instrument: if i could play one i would want to play violin for some reason
- Jewelry: makes me itch
- Job: dog trainerzzz/rescue
- Kids:are scary
- Kickboxing or karate: none
- Keep a journal?: nope
- Longest Car Ride: Arkansas
- Love:is pretty cool i guess
- Laughed so hard you cried: yep
- Love at first sight: maybe...not really
- Milk flavor: soy
- Movie: lion kingggg
- Mooned anyone?: hahah no
- Marriage: too young to think about it
- Motion sickness? no
- McDonald’s or BK: I dunno prob mcds
- Number of Siblings: 3
- Number of Piercing: 2 and 0's
- One wish: to do what i love
- Place you’d like to live: Ireland
- Perfect Pizza: just cheese
- Pepsi/Coke: coke!
- Quail: wtf
- Questionnaires: help me not write papers
- Reason to cry: if someone/something dies
- Reality T.V: hilarious.
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: no
- Song: currently i love: Call it Off - Tegan and Sara
- Shoe size: 9
- Salad Dressing: thousand island
- Skipped school: mostly math
- Smoking: depends on what your smoking
- Shower dailly? depends, mostly every other day
- Sing well?: psh no
- In the shower? if no one is home
- Strawberries/Blueberries: OMG BOTH PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--wtf...lets just think about who's saying this....
- Time for bed: between 9-12
- Thunderstorms: scare me sometimes
- TV: background noise
- Touch your tongue to your nose: no
- Unpredictable: not really
- Vegetable you hate: bitter ones
- Vegetable you love: cucumbers!
- Vacation spot: up north
- Weakness: i trust people too easily but it doesn't end up too bad yet
- When you grow up: i'll be the crazy aunt
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: probably alyssa
- Who makes you laugh the most: people from u dub the shaw and joe
- Wanted to be a model? HAHA nope
- Where do we go when we die: to a better place, there is no hell
- Worst weather: super hot or cold
-X-Rays: i had one once on my ribz to see if i had pneumonia
-Year it is now: 2008
-Yellow: cool
- Zoo animal: lions and red pandas
- Zodiac sign:Gemini
1. Slept in a bed beside you? no one...my dog
2. Last person to see you cry? uhm...i dunno
3. Went to the movies with you? alyssa and courtney i think...religilious
4. You went to the mall with? alyssa
5. You went to dinner with? jess
6. You talked to on the phone? mom
7. Made you laugh? katie