So I have followed grey's since the beginning and was a faithful fan of Cristina and Burke but he was an ass and left the best thing that had happened to him, so for that he is a moron ( now im just sorta rambling), but now that Cristina is with Owen you cna see a huge contrast in the way he treats her compared to the way Burke treated her. nobody in my family or at my school understands my huge Greys more specifically Cristina/Owen obssession, they think i am insane, maaybe I am but all I know is i am addicted and I cant wait till the next scene or fanifiction or picspam or w/e that is anyway related to cristina and owen. If they broke up I would be heart broken for sure, so I hope they can finally get over their crap and have more intense make out scenes.
Anyways love your graphics and was hoping you would add me, thanx :)
Comments 93
Can you add me?
Anyways love your graphics and was hoping you would add me, thanx :)
We seem to have quite a few interests in common and I love your comments on O/C so you would make my day if you added me..
And i <33 owentina.
I check out some of your stuff and i... TOTALLY FELL IN LOVE.
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