Challenge Accepted - Part 2

Mar 09, 2022 22:16

“Good morning, guys,”

Ohno greeted his housemates, Sho and Jun. Sho had been his childhood friend and Jun was someone he met through Sho. When Ohno’s boss in Kyoto informed him that he would be transferred to the headquarters in Tokyo, Ohno immediately contacted Sho to help him find an apartment. His friend had been generous, offering Ohno to stay together with him and Jun since they had an extra room.

“Ready for your first day, Satoshi?” asked Sho.

“I guess so,” answered Ohno. He didn’t know what to expect. It will be harder than working at the branch, he guessed.

“It will be fine,” Jun assured him. Ohno only smiled weakly to the encouragement. He still remembered his first impression of Jun. The difference in their personality made him think that they would not get along well. He was wrong, though. They got along just fine. Even though Jun was the youngest among them, he sometimes behaved like Ohno’s older brother. “The place where you will be working… our customers mostly work there. They’re all nice. I’m sure Aiba-chan will make you feel at ease once you meet him,”

“Aiba-chan?” repeated Ohno. Sho had already told him that the cafe that he and Jun owned was in the same building as his office. So, it was expected that his new colleagues would be having lunch there. But, this was the first time he heard about someone named Aiba-chan. He glanced at Sho, noticing a smile on his face upon hearing the name.

“I’m sure you and Aiba-chan will get along just fine,” informed Sho. “I don’t know which department he belongs to but if you guys are in the same department, I’m sure he will help you get used to your new office,”

“I agree with Sho-chan,” said Jun. “But, if his best friend is also in the same department, he will give you hell,”

The remark earned Jun a disapproving look from Sho.

“What?” retorted Jun when he noticed the look from Sho. “He is rude,”

“You shouldn’t judge him based on that situation,” chided Sho. “We don’t know what happened,”

Jun didn’t say anything. He only huffed at Sho before taking his bowl of cereals to the kitchen to wash. Ohno watched the exchange with interest, wondering what kind of incident they were talking about.

“What is he talking about?” Whispered Ohno so that Jun won’t hear him. It wasn’t like him to ask about other people. But, he was just curious about Aiba’s friend. This person could be someone he would be working with. Jun seemed to imply that the man had temper issues. He wasn’t good with that kind of person so if he’s going to be working with someone like that, he needed a heads-up.

“It’s nothing,” answered Sho, dismissing him. “You shouldn’t let what Jun said cloud your opinion about someone… especially when you know nothing about the person he was talking about. I don’t want you to harbour prejudice against someone you haven’t met,”

“But… if…”

Sho wouldn’t even let him finish his sentences.

“Satoshi, you should go to work with zero impression about your co-workers since you haven’t met them yet. If you think too much about what Jun said, you might not be able to see someone for who he truly is,”

Indeed, Sho had a point there. However, as he was about to follow the advice, he suddenly remembered what Sho had said about Aiba before and decided to use it against Sho.

“But, it’s weird…” mused Ohno, tapping his chin. “If you want me to have zero impression about my co-worker, you shouldn’t say good things about Aiba-chan either. I mean… I will go there, expecting a guy named Aiba-chan will treat me nicely. But, if he didn’t… that would be bad, right?”

Sho was taken aback by his response. Ohno could only smirk when he saw his friend’s reaction.

“Okay, it was my fault,” admitted Sho. “I shouldn’t talk about Aiba-chan. Not before you met him…” Then he paused, perhaps pondering what to say next. “But, there was nothing I could tell you about his friend. He seldom comes to our cafe,”

Ohno looked at Sho with hopeful eyes. He knew his friend wanted to say more despite the guilt he felt for talking about someone behind his back.

“I think… it’s just one of his bad days. He was…”

But, Sho didn’t get to finish the story as Jun chose that moment to appear, urging Sho to move faster or they would be late. Ohno didn’t dare to object to Jun’s demand so he got ready with a pout on his face. But, there was no denying it. Despite what Jun had said, Ohno was looking forward to meeting the friend of Aiba-chan even though he didn’t know his name. It wouldn’t be hard to find, in his opinion. Find someone named Aiba and the person closest to him would be the same person Jun and Sho were talking about.

A/N: A very short chapter to introduce Ohno. He was already looking forward to meet Nino. Hope you will like this.
Anyway, it seems like LJ might be disappearing soon. I hope it won't happen because I like posting here. If it happens, I guess, my days of posting fic is over because I don't think I will be posting in AO3 or DW. Not that it will be affecting anyone since there are only two people who read my fanfics. If you are still interested to read my fics, maybe I will just email it to u.

ohmiya, challenge accepted, fanfic

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