The Inheritance Game Part 2

Sep 05, 2022 21:51

“So, why are you looking for me?”

Nino didn’t waste any time asking the question which had bothered him for the last two hours. Aiba had done his fair share of research about Ohno Kazuki on the internet when they had no customers. The man was a wealthy philanthropist and started Arashi Foundation, a foundation focused on helping those involved in a natural disaster. The mere research provided nothing that could help Nino understand why a lawyer of such a man would be looking for him.

“I will get straight to the point,” said Sakurai. “You are required to attend the will reading of Ohno Kazuki,”

Nino tried to hide the shock. Why would he need to go to the reading of a will of a stranger?

“I understand you are confused. You have a lot of questions right now. But, I assure you, you will be getting your answer during the reading. I will pick you up at your house tomorrow at 8 AM. Your friend can…”

“Okay, stop right there. I didn’t say I will come,” Nino interrupted the lawyer. It annoyed him that Sakurai had assumed he would attend the reading. “I’m working tomorrow,”

“I’ve already dealt with your boss. Both of you are free to come tomorrow,” said Sho, unaffected by Nino’s sudden interruption.

“Still, you cannot force me to come,”

“Don’t you want answers, Ninomiya-san?”

Nino grunted, hating that it was true. Indeed, he needed answers. But, he wasn’t going to let Sakurai order him around.

“Look, I understand your concern,” said Sakurai. His tone was kinder this time. “If I could, I would postpone it. But, it has been postponed twice because you are not there. I sent a letter to your house twice to inform you about the reading of the will. But, I received no response. That’s why I have to track you down. I cannot afford to have it postponed again. The family members of the late Ohno Kazuki sama are impatient. I’m sorry but you have to come tomorrow,”

Oh, those letters. Now that Sakurai mentioned it, Nino remembered that he had indeed received a letter from a lawyer. Aiba had reprimanded him for ignoring those letters but he didn’t care.

“Why is it important for me to come? I don’t even know the man,”

Sakurai took a deep breath. “I cannot answer your question, Ninomiya-san. You will get it when you come tomorrow. The late Ohno Kazuki sama was clear on one thing. You have to be present or we cannot open the will,”

Nino stayed silent. Only a sigh came out of him, thinking about what to do. Yes, he wanted answers. But, he was anxious to go to an unknown place surrounded by people he didn’t know. Besides, if he doesn’t go to work tomorrow, he would not be seeing his Teddy Bear.

Okay, the last reason was quite childish.

“Nino, let’s just go there tomorrow,” Aiba suddenly said, interrupting the silence. “You want answers, right?”

Nino nodded.

“So, let’s go, okay?”

“Okay,” Nino finally agreed. “Aiba-chan can come with me, right?”

“Yes, he can come. I will pick up both of you at your house at 8 AM tomorrow,” said Sakurai, repeating the same thing he had said earlier. “Anyway…”

The man looked hesitant to continue.

“Yes?” Prompted Nino.

“Hmm, I couldn’t help but notice there was a man who came to the store a few times today,”

Was he talking about Nino’s Teddy Bear? Nino couldn’t help but wonder.

“What about him?”

“Do you know him?”

Nino didn’t say anything at first, thinking of a response. Why was Sakurai interested in his Teddy Bear?

“He is a customer,” Aiba answered. “He comes to the store a few times because he has a crush on Nino,”

Stupid Aiba! Nino could only glare at his oblivious friend.

“Why are you asking about him?” Nino didn’t bother to hide his curiosity.

“No reason,”

That was certainly a lie. But, Nino decided not to push Sakurai for answers.

“Do you have any other questions?” Asked Sakurai. “If not, I will send you guys home,”

Nino shook his head and true to his words, Sakurai gave them a lift home.

“Maybe you are related to him,” Aiba suddenly said while they had breakfast the following day. 15 minutes to 8 and he was sure Sakurai would be punctual.


Nino had no idea what Aiba was talking about. He kept thinking about Sakurai’s interest in his Teddy Bear. It could be for nothing but he suspected Sakurai had a reason for asking about his Teddy Bear yesterday.

“Ohno Kazuki,” said Aiba. “He could be your father,”

Nino didn’t know much about his family. He grew up in an orphanage with Aiba. Her mother died shortly after giving birth to him. She only had a chance to name him Kazunari.

“I mean… your name is similar to his,” continued Aiba, utterly oblivious to the glare that Nino sent him. “You could be named after him,”

“I was named after my mother,”

His mother’s name was Kazuha. So, it was obvious where he got his name. “Stop speculating. That man was too old for my mother,”

Aiba stayed silent for a while before he grinned. “I know!” Nino cringed when he saw the face. His friend must have another bizarre idea. “He must be your grandfather. Your mom got her name from him and you got your name from her. That makes sense, right?”

Nino simply glared at his friend. Truth be told, he had indeed considered the idea of Ohno Kazuki as his grandfather. But, he refused to believe it. How could someone like Ohno Kazuki leave his own daughter on a street and wait years to contact his grandchild? He would be a hypocrite considering his status as a  philanthropist.

Unless his mother ran away from his house. Geez, he wished he knew more about the woman who gave birth to him.

His phone vibrated, announcing a text from Sakurai to inform him that he had arrived. Nino was thankful for the arrival. It distracted him from thinking about the possible relationship between his mother and the late Ohno Kazuki.

The house was…. Wow! Nino was speechless upon seeing it. Even from afar, he could see how huge it was. This was not a house. Not even a mansion. It was a palace.

Upon arriving, Sho had brought him to a hall where a few other people gathered there. They all dressed formally and Nino deduced they might be the family member of Ohno Kazuki. Despite wearing a shirt, Nino felt underdressed especially when they were all staring at him.

“Hello,” an old man greeted him. He seemed kind. “I’m Ohno Mamoru, Ohno Kazuki’s son. You must be Kazunari,”

Nino simply nodded. Ohno Mamoru looked familiar to him. Indeed, he resembled Ohno Kazuki but Nino could see someone else in his kind gaze. Too bad, he couldn’t figure out who the person was.

Mamoru introduced him to the other people in the hall. From his brief explanation, Nino found out that Ohno Kazuki had two children, a son and a daughter. Mamoru was the oldest and a woman named Momoko was his sister. She was standing next to her husband and had a son named Jun. Nino was intimated by the son who was glaring at him. But, he tried to remain cool.

“Dear,” A woman entered the hall and approached Mamoru. She looked worried. “Satoshi is not in his room!”

Mamoru didn’t seem surprised by the distressing news from the woman. Judging by the endearing way she called Mamoru, Nino would guess this was the man’s wife. And, Satoshi was his son.

“Relax, honey,” said Mamoru, trying to calm his wife. “I’m sure he will be here soon,”

“Mamoru-sama is right,” assured Sho. “I’ve called him. He is on his way,”

Satoshi’s absence caused a delay in the reading of the will. Feeling suffocated inside the hall, Nino decided to get out. Aiba wanted to follow him but he shook his head. He wanted to be alone just for a while. He just walked down the hallway, looking at the paintings hanging on the wall.

“Who are you?” A cold voice asked from behind. Nino turned around, not surprised to see Momoko’s son following him. He had felt the man’s presence from the moment he left the hall. “What is your relationship with my grandfather?”

“Hmm, I don’t know,”

Clearly, the man disliked his response. But, what else should he answer? He had no idea why he was called for the reading.

Jun was about to open his mouth, to say something else. However, something else caught his attention. He looked past Nino, shaking his head with disapproval.

“Where have you been, Satoshi?” said Jun. “Everyone is waiting for you,”

Ah, so Satoshi was finally here. Great. Now, they could start the reading. The sooner they read the will, the faster Nino could go home. Without sparing a glance at the newcomer, Nino stepped towards the hall.

“Sorry, I have something to do,”

Nino froze upon hearing the voice. He knew that voice. He was certain of its owner. But, how could it be? It was hard to believe.

Suddenly, he understood why Mamoru looked familiar to him. He resembled someone Nino knew from the convenience store.

He turned around to confirm who Satoshi really was. Even though he already had an inkling of who the other person was, it still surprised him to see the other man.

As he thought, Satoshi was indeed someone he knew. The man widened his eyes upon seeing Nino.

Standing right in front of Nino was none other than…

His Teddy Bear.

A/N: I hope this is okay.

ohmiya, the inheritance game, fanfic

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