Magika - Chapter 7 (New)

Nov 08, 2016 15:47

Ohno pouted involuntarily when Nino ignored him and kept on talking with the girl named Mao. He didn’t know if Nino deliberately did this as a revenge for their dispute this morning, or if he wanted to annoy Jun or if he actually interested with the girl. He hoped it wasn’t because of the last reason. He was in a bad mood thinking about it that he didn’t realize he was groaning, earning the attention of the other three students.

“Nino, look at what you did? Ignoring your boyfriend and talk to another girl. You’re making him jealous,” said Jun in a mocking tone. Ohno could see he was enjoying the moment to tease Nino, especially when the latter blushed even though it lasted only for a moment.

“I’m sorry, Ohchan. I’m just enjoying myself, watching J getting jealous,”

“So, he is your boyfriend. No wonder both of you looked lovey dovey during the ceremony yesterday. But, I’ve never seen him before,”

“He is not my boyfriend. We’re just close, like best friend. Anyway, this is Ohno. Ohno, this is Mao,” Nino hastily introduced both of them. Ohno smiled a little at Mao. He couldn’t help but feeling a little disappointed to hear the denial from Nino but he didn’t understand why. It couldn’t be because he was hoping Nino would be his boyfriend, right?

“Aww, too bad. Both of you looked super cute together,”

“Right, Mao chan? They looked so cute together,” said Jun, agreeing with Mao.

“But, I think Ohno san looked familiar. Have we met before?” Ohno simply shrugged it off, thinking that Mao recognized him from the painting in Nino’s room. Nino awkwardly turned to the front, not wanting to join the conversation any longer. Ohno followed suit and soon after, a young handsome man entered the class.

Ohno assumed the young man is Miyama sensei, their teacher for Magical Law. The teacher began the class by introducing himself and then started asking them the need for having law in magical world.

“Learning magic isn’t about knowing how to practice them only, you also need to know the rules. The rules are made to protect our existence as a secret from Non Magical Folk, which is known as NMF. If NMF know of our existence, it may disturb the peace of the world. We could inflict fear in them, like the way it happened 5000 years ago,” explained Miyama sensei. This has to be related with The Stranger that Jun talked about yesterday. Again, Ohno was curious to know more about The Stranger. He wondered if their History of Magic teacher will talk about The Stranger in their first class tomorrow.

“I bet most of you would know that in the past, we were in a war with a wizard known as The Stranger. He was the most powerful wizard ever alive with his ability to control the mind. He believed that as a wizard, we are superior than NMF and tried to control the world. Of course, a group of people agreed with his ideology and that’s how the war happened. We fought a losing battle until founder Ninomiya finally defeated him,” Miyama sensei looked straight at Nino, who once again looked uncomfortable to hear the name.

“I’m telling you that even though we live in peace now, there are still supporters for The Stranger. They’re waiting for a wizard who was born with the same ability as The Stranger and believe me, they will try to conquer the world again. Well, you will learn more about him in your history class so now let’s get started for our class,” said Miyama sensei. Ohno noticed how he was giving a dark look at the descendants of the founder, especially to Nino. Ohno was worried to see how Nino lowered his head as if he was embarrassed. Wasn’t Nino the descendant of Ninomiya? Instead of looking embarrassed, shouldn’t he looked proud because it was his ancestor that defeated the villain?

They had charms next. The teacher was a small cute guy named Yamada Taro. He was pretty awkward in teaching but the class was interesting, nevertheless.  For charms, they would learn various spells that would help them in daily life. Pronunciation is very important in conjuring the spell. They could hurt themselves if they didn’t say the spell correctly. They started the class by trying a simple spell to make a feather floats.

Ohno was happy to see Nino returned to his normal self by being bratty again.  He preferred to see the adorable smile and mischievous eyes of his friend rather than seeing a quiet Nino. He enjoyed the look on Nino’s face whenever Aiba screw up the spell and caused something else to happen instead. In fact, for most of the time, Aiba ended up burning the feather, instead of making it float.

“I’m telling you, you didn’t say it right,” Nino was laughing, making fun at Aiba for burning the feather for the fifth time. Aiba was dissatisfied and challenged Nino to float the feather. Unfortunately for Aiba, Nino’s feather managed to float. Ohno couldn’t help but loving the way Nino smirk when he successfully floated the feather.

On the other hand, Nino somehow tried to minimize the skinship between both of them as he helped Ohno with the spell. However, Ohno couldn’t help but missing those touches so he ended up initiate the skinship between them. Nino was reluctant at first but before the class ended, they were attached like a glue again. Before he knew it, Nino had started to grope his butt, earning a disapproving look from both Jun and Sho and giggle from Aiba and the rest of the class. Of course, a few was looking at him with jealousy, for example, Maruyama Ryuhei, whom according to Aiba, had a crush on Nino.  But, the worst glare is from a girl who is in the same house as Nino. Ohno wasn’t sure what was her name but she seems quite close with Nino.

They had their lunch break next. However, Sho didn’t join them for lunch, saying he wasn’t hungry and would need to do some reading in the library. Aiba followed him and so, only Ohno, Nino and Jun were eating lunch together.

After lunch, they had specialty training class. Ohno voiced out his worries that he didn’t know what is his speciality and yet he was placed in the House of Matsumoto. But both Nino and Jun reassured him that it was normal if he didn’t know his speciality yet. For the case like this, the young wizard would be placed in the former house of his parents as the speciality magic run in the family. If both parents were from different house, there was a spell conjured by a strong wizard like Kitagawa sensei to determine their speciality magic. The spell would also be conjured for young wizards from NMF.

“Do you mean, it was possible for a wizard to have two speciality magic if he was born from parents with different speciality?” asked Ohno. But both Nino and Jun shook their head.

“It wasn’t possible. Each wizard was born with only one specialty magic. It was just that the speciality magic will be stronger if it comes from both parents. That’s why some wizards tend to marry a person with the same speciality magic to ensure they have a strong wizard in their family,” explained Jun. Ohno nodded his head while at the same time thinking of something else. Both of them told him that specialty magic run in the family. When he thought about that, maybe The Stranger had a child who was born with his specialty as mind controller. Perhaps the descendants of The Stranger were waiting for the right moment to cause the war like he did 5000 years ago. After all, Miyama sensei told them that there are still supporters for The Stranger. He wanted to ask more about The Stranger but remembering how uncomfortable Nino was whenever The Stranger was mentioned, he pushed the question away. He would do some reading or ask Sho about it later.


A/N: I have no particular reason for choosing the teacher's name. It was the name that popped in my mind when I was writing. Even though the next chapter is ready, I am not sure when will I post it. I need to write a new chapter first (Chapter 20, perhaps) before posting a new chapter.

As always, comments are <3. I hope you enjoy this chapter

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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