Magika - Chapter 25 (New)

Jul 21, 2019 14:39

Sho stared at Ohno worriedly. He was afraid that Ohno will lose his composure for being held back from going with Nino. The other boy seemed ready to snap when Kitagawa sensei finally ordered them to follow him. But, he could see Ohno's silent protest with his pout as they followed behind the principal. Thankfully, Jun managed to talk some senses into Ohno.

He was grateful that they didn't have to walk all the way to the principal's room. Instead, they were led to a small room in the Great Hall, a room that he didn't know its existence before. To his surprise, his father and Nino-papa were inside the room. They were reading a book and equally surprised to see Sho and his friends. It made him wonder if they've been here for a while as there were a few bags in the room.

"Where are Kazunari and Masaki?" Asked Nino-papa.

"The students in the boys' dorm were attacked by the woman. Ninomiya kun fainted and I asked Kimura sensei to bring him to infirmary. Aiba kun followed him," said the headmaster. Both his father and Nino-papa were shocked to hear the news but it was quickly recovered and replaced by anger. Nino-papa, especially, looked terribly furious.

"How dare she hurts my son! I'm gonna make her pay for that," he said angrily. He almost stormed out of the room but Kitagawa sensei stopped him.

"I understand that you are worried about your son. I know you want to see him. But, I need to talk with all of you without outsider. I'll make this quick so you can be with your son as soon as possible," explained Kitagawa sensei.

No one said anything. They didn't seem to agree but they had to admit what the principal said was true. Talking about the woman was a delicate subject and should be done in a private place like this. All of the students knew that they were kidnapped during the first mission and most of the theories said it's because of their status as the descendant. Sho was pretty sure that most students didn't notice what happened to Nino earlier due to their own panic. But, once they knew about Nino, it will confirm the theory, even though, in reality, the woman was after Ohno.

Sho took the chance to be the first one to tell the adults what happened, knowing that Ohno wouldn't be ready yet. But, he cannot tell them a lot because he was outside of the scene all the time and he cannot hear what the woman and Nino talked about. As soon as he finished, he patted Ohno's shoulder encouraging him to tell them about the conversation.

"She said Nino and her are family. When Nino mentioned Naomi, she looked angry and attacked us with a weird spell. It happened too fast and there was a bubble of chaos so I cannot really see what she was doing," explained Ohno.

Then, he stopped talking. There was a distant look in his eyes, perhaps thinking about Nino. Everyone thought it was the end of what he knew but he suddenly spoke again, with anger and disgust, much to everyone's surprise.

"She pushed me away from Nino. Then she kissed Nino's forehead before kissing his lips,"

Things in the room started to shake suddenly. It was spooky and he wondered what caused them until he saw Ohno's eyes were glowing again. There was too much anger from Ohno. Of course, if it was Sho, he would also be furious and jealous to see someone kissed Aiba. Even though he understood Ohno's anger, he was afraid of what would happen if Ohno lose control of his magic again. Nino wasn't here to calm him.

Everyone else seemed to share his concern as they exchanged look. But, before Kitagawa sensei went forward to calm Ohno, the shaking was gradually decreased until it wasn't shaking anymore. When Sho looked at Ohno, his eyes weren't glowing anymore. Instead, he looked at them apologetically.

"I'm sorry for losing control of my magic again," said Ohno. "Nino won't be happy if he knows about this,"

Sometimes Sho wondered how deep Ohno's and Nino's bond was. They always thought about each other. At first, he thought it was because they've knew each other when they were kids. But, maybe, there was something else about their relationship. He shook his head, decided not to let his thought from distracting him at this moment. He will think about it once they get Nino awake again.

"How did you do that? I thought you could only control other's mind," asked Jun confusedly.

"I don't know," answered Ohno. "I was even more confused when I could force my mind to replay what happened earlier,"

"Force your mind? What do you mean by that?" Asked Sho, betting the others were thinking of the same thing. Ohno looked a bit reluctant to explain but he still answered the question.

"I don't remember what happened to Nino but I tried to force myself to remember. So that I could help. And then I was... Hmmm... How should I say it... Transferred back to the moment the woman attacked us and saw what I just tell you,"

So, that was what happened when Ohno seemed to space out just now.

"Is this something that my father can do too?" Asked Ohno. Nino-papa shook his head.

"We don't know the true extent of his magic, Satoshi. He wasn't fond of his magic. He only learn so that he won't lose control of his magic,"

"I don't like this too. But, it seems that I can do more with my magic whenever I think of Nino," said Ohno softly with a sad smile on his face. Sho was certain it wasn't something that he wanted to share with them. But, he expressed it absentmindedly and perhaps Ohno didn't notice he had said it out loud.

Kitagawa sensei coughed awkwardly, bringing them back to the current situation.

"I wish that we could tell you more about your magic, Satoshi kun. But, we don't know much," said Kitagawa sensei. "Do you have anything else to share?"

Ohno shook his head.

"Then, let's go to see Ninomiya kun. Hopefully, he is awake by now,"

As they were leaving the room, a sudden thought strike Sho. Why did the woman wait for a week to attack again? Why did he think that the woman's target wasn't Ohno nor Nino? She was targeting their relationship.

That was a weird thought, indeed. But, it wasn't something that he should ignore.

"Entered his mind?" Ohno repeated what Nino-papa had said. He was doubtful with what he heard.

The adults didn't answer him immediately. Instead, they were looking at him guiltily, proving that he didn't misheard them.

"I wish that we can come up with a better plan, Satoshi. But, the woman... Her magic looks ancient, a magic that we never encounter before. Not to mention, she always use a part of her to protect her spell. It was more difficult to break the spell because of that,"

He was burning with anger as he remembered what he saw previously. So, it's that why she kissed Nino? Using her kiss as the protection spell? It was so gross!

"Satoshi," Nino-papa called him softly. Ohno turned to look at him. He was confused when he noticed Nino-papa was looking at him with fear. He looked around, seeing that he had once again caused things to shake.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He pushed aside the image of the woman kissing Nino away, focusing to control his magic.

"I don't know if I can do it," said Ohno. A part of him wanted to agree, thinking that maybe it was the only way to save Nino. But, a bigger part of him was worried. Worried that he might harm Nino.

"Think about it first. We will also try to find other ways so that you don't have to do it. It's just... I'm afraid of what Kazunari sees while he was trapped in his own mind," Ohno could hear his disappointment and he was angry with himself for letting down the man who had been so nice to him.

"It's already late. Why don't you go and rest first?"suggested Sakurai-papa. Ohno looked at Nino's body, refusing to leave him.

"Can I stay here? With Nino? I don't want to leave him alone," he pleaded to the adults, who in turn looked at each other. They looked reluctant but Nino-papa finally nodded his head. Ohno gave him a sad smile before taking a chair and put it near Nino's bed. He hold the other boy's hand, praying that he would wake up soon without him doing what the adults requested him to do.

Sleep didn't wait to claim him. He didn't notice when he fell asleep but he woke up when a ray of sunlight hit him. Nino was still unconscious and he found himself in tears to see his boyfriend like that. They just reconciled and now, this happened.

"Ohno kun," he was surprised to hear Jun's voice behind him. He immediately turned and for the first time since he woke up, he noticed his friends were also in the room. Aiba and Sho were still sleeping in one corner of the infirmary. Jealousy creep in his heart to see the way they were hugging each other while sleeping, thinking he and Nino would also do the same thing if the woman didn't hurt Nino.

"Are you okay?" Asked Jun with concern.

Ohno shook his head. There's no way he's going to be okay with everything that happened. He still remembered being happy yesterday when Nino finally talked with him again. He smiled bitterly as he remembered the kissed they shared and the way they annoyed Jun as they kept looking and giggling at each other. Now, everything seemed like a distant memory. He ended up telling Jun everything that Sakurai-papa told him about Nino's condition.

"We'll figure out something," said Jun, trying to calm him. "Nino is a strong boy. There's no way he's going to let the woman win,"

"Nino's father suggested that I enter his mind," he told Jun. Jun wasn't surprise to hear the plan.

"Are you going to do it?"

Ohno shrugged his shoulder. He didn't know what he was going to do. He wasn't good enough in controlling his magic. What if he hurts Nino because of his incompetency?

"I don't want to hurt Nino. I don't even know if I could do it," he told Jun, voicing out his concern.

"It's going to be hard but I believe you will not hurt Nino on purpose. I don't know where this confidence comes from, but, if there is anyone who can help Nino, it will be you,"

"But, I don't even know how to do it,"

"Maybe the same way you did yesterday. The same way you force your mind to remember what the woman did to Nino. But, don't force yourself this time. Just try to focus, okay!"

"I'm not..."

"Shhhh. Didn't you tell us yesterday? You can do more with your magic when you think of Nino? So, if you think of your beloved boyfriend, focus on saving him from whatever that the woman put him through, you may be able to save him,"

Ohno's opened his mouth widely. It's true that he was always able to control his magic because of Nino. But, how did Jun know about this? Did he tell them out loud yesterday?

Jun seemed to notice his confusion when he gave him his trademark smirk.

"You told us yesterday. Everyone knows you didn't mean to say it out loud but well, coming from you, it sounds sweet. If Nino is the one saying that, it's cheesy and sappy," said Jun. His smirk was gone now, replaced by a weak smile.

Ohno found himself blushing to hear that. He smiled softly at Jun, knowing that he was just trying to ease the tension they have. He was glad that he had this conversation with Jun. Somehow, it made him more confident with himself. Well, he made his decision. He is going to enter Nino's mind.


ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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