The Boss & The Secretary - I will protect you

Aug 17, 2019 23:33

Nino sang softly as he prepared omurice for their dinner tonight. It was the song that his mother often sang when he was small. The song made him feel melancholic. If only his mother is still alive... He tried to shake the feeling away. He finally had a great life, there's no need to reminisce the past.

He used sauce to decorate the egg with his name and Ohno. Smiling shyly, he put love between their name. Ah, he was very happy, thanks to Ohno. He had decided to confess. He hoped Ohno will reciprocate his feelings.

"Ohchan, the food is ready!" He shouted excitedly from the kitchen. Not long after that, Ohno appeared in the doorway with his usual sleepy grin. Even though he looked sleepy, he was still handsome. Nino felt lucky to have him by his side. He promised to make the guy happy for everything that he had done for him.

Ohno approached Nino then he dropped small kisses to his cheeks and hair. Nino giggled when he received those kisses. He enjoyed the kisses too much.

"Ohchan, I cannot move if you kept kissing me." He scolded Ohno playfully. Ohno pouted in response before he turned Nino around to face him. Nino couldn't help the blush that started to form as Ohno leaned closer.

"I love you." Ohno whispered seductively to his ear. "I will let you go if you let me kiss you."

Nino nodded his head. He had been waiting for this moment for too long. He wanted those lips to kiss him again. He closed his eyes, expecting Ohno's soft lips to cover his. Ohno started to kiss him chastely at first before the kiss started to feel different. Ohno kissed him roughly before he shoved his tongue to make Nino opened his lips. Nino refused to do so. As a result, Ohno bit him. It was too painful so he pushed the guy away from him. He didn’t expect Ohno will treat him this way.

However, to his surprise, it wasn’t Ohno who stood in front of him. It was Kenta.

"Why are you surprise, dearie?" Kenta tried to touch him. "Aren't you enjoying the kiss we shared just now?"

"Stop!" Nino begged. Where was Ohno? Why was he with Kenta? He walked backwards and kept throwing stuff at Kenta to make him stay away. "Don't come near me!"

"Oh, dearie!" Kenta ignored his pleading. "It's only me and you here. If you don't want to get hurt, just follow my instructions."

Nino shook his head. There's no way he will comply easily. He had to save himself. However, before he could think of anything, someone hugged him from the back. He turned around and to his horror, it was his stepfather.

"Do you think you can escape me?"

That’s when he realized he wasn’t in Ohno’s house. He was back in the place he hated the most, his stepfather’s house.



Ohno immediately woke up when he heard the screaming. He turned around, expecting to see Nino next to him on the bed. But, it was empty.

Another scream. It was from the living room. Feeling worried, Ohno dashed towards the living room. To his relief, Nino was sleeping on the sofa. But, his relief wasn't long lasting. Nino had a nightmare, that was obvious. He kept screaming and moving on the sofa. He kept telling someone to stay away from him. It didn't take long for Ohno to realize he was having a nightmare about his stepfather.

He approached Nino carefully, trying to think of a way to wake Nino up.

"Nino." He touched the shoulder gently. There was a sharp intake of breath before Nino opened his eyes. He stared at Ohno confusedly before his eyes looked around the living room. Then, he sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up? What time is it?" Nino asked as he adjusted his body to sit on the sofa. Ohno took a seat next to him.

"It's almost 1AM. Are you okay?" What a stupid question, he scolded himself. Of course, Nino was not okay. He was still shaken in fear because of the nightmare.

"I'm okay." Nino lied. "It was just a nightmare."

Ohno didn't say anything. He stared at Nino, thinking of what he should do next. Clearly, Nino wasn't going to talk about the nightmare and he wasn't going to push him. After careful consideration, he lifted Nino from the sofa and carried him princess style to the bedroom, much to Nino's surprise.

"Let's sleep, okay." He told Nino once he put him on the bed. Nino seemed reluctant.

"What if I see them in my sleep?"

"Don't worry. I will protect you from them."


He simply nodded his head before dropping a kiss on Nino's forehead. Nino glanced around the room for a moment before he finally closed his eyes.

Ohno sang a lullaby to lull him to sleep. It didn't take long for sleep to claim Nino again, probably because he was too tired. Ohno watched the way Nino sleep. He seemed to be calm now and he hoped it will continue that way for the rest of the night. He prayed that Nino's sleep will be filled with sweet dreams instead of nightmares.

This was why he wanted Nino to sleep together with him in the room. Nino had escaped a hellish life. He was still in fear, was still afraid that his step father and his friend will find him. Maybe he was still thinking that what happened to him now was actually a dream. And that's why Ohno wanted to protect him. He wanted to protect him from everything, including his nightmare.

He dropped another kiss on Nino's forehead before he laid down next to him. He hugged the guy closer. It was a mistake for him to sleep earlier than Nino. Nino must be uncomfortable to sleep with him in the bedroom and had decided to sleep on the sofa. He learnt the lesson. He will make sure to let Nino sleep first before he went to sleep. If Nino had another nightmare, he will be quicker to wake him up so that the nightmare will stop haunting Nino in his sleep.


The sound of the alarm woke him up from his slumber. He grabbed the phone on the table and then turned it off. He glanced at the clock and noticed it was 6AM. It's still early. Why did he set his alarm so early in the morn...

Nino opened his eyes widely. He looked around the room, which clearly wasn't his, as yesterday's event was replayed in his mind. He had finally escaped from his step father, thanks to Ohno. At first, he thought it was a dream. But, being in Ohno's room was proof that what happened yesterday was real. Ah, it had been a while since he had slept comfortably on a bed.

Wait.. Ohno's room? He was in Ohno's room? He almost screamed when he noticed Ohno was sleeping on the same bed as him. Automatically, he remembered the deal between the two of them. But, didn't he sleep on the sofa yesterday? So, how did he end up on Ohno's bed? He kept on thinking, searching for the answer.

A nightmare... He had a nightmare yesterday. He dreamt of Kenta and Mitsui. Slowly, he remembered last night's event. Ohno had brought him to the room and then lulled him to sleep. Oh, God, it was too embarrassing. What should he do? He could only hope Ohno wouldn't bring it up so that he could pretend that nothing happened yesterday.

Glancing one last time at Ohno, he slowly crept out of the bed. He took a shower and then started to prepare food for breakfast and lunch. After what happened yesterday during lunch, he had decided to bring bento for himself and Ohno. He wouldn't let Ohno treat him to expensive food again. If Ohno didn't want the bento, he will give it to Aiba.

First, he made French toast and tea for breakfast. He remembered that Ohno told him a long time ago that he preferred tea over coffee. Then, he stared at the fridge, decided what to make for lunch. Both of them had gone for grocery shopping together after work yesterday. Ohno had let him decide what to buy. Feeling lazy to make fancy stuff, he decided to make a simple chahan.

"Hmm... It smells good." Ohno came from behind and then wrapped his arm around his waist after Nino had finished putting the chahan in the bento box. Nino went still as Ohno suddenly planted a kiss on his cheeks. The kiss reminded him of what had happened in his dream yesterday. Oh, God, don’t let this be another nightmare, please, he prayed silently.

"Aiba is right. Your cheeks are so soft." Ohno teased as he put his head on Nino's shoulder. Nino blinked in confusion. He still thought of the dream. However, when Ohno pinched his cheeks playfully, he realized this wasn’t a dream. It’s real.

"I've made breakfast for you." He informed Ohno after Ohno finally let him go. Ohno was neatly dressed in his suits. "I'll change first."

"Nino." Ohno called him softly when he was about to leave. He stopped his steps and turned to look at Ohno, who seemed hesitant to continue all of a sudden. He looked at Nino awkwardly, making Nino wondered whether he wanted to talk about yesterday.

"Thank you." That's what he said. Clearly, that wasn't what he wanted to say. But, Nino let it slide as he was afraid Ohno will ask him about his nightmare. He wasn’t ready to talk about it. Perhaps, he will never be ready to talk at all.

A/N: I hope this is okay. Thank you for all the warm comments for the previous part.

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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