Me & First Memory with Him

Oct 13, 2019 22:26

Ohno was taken aback when the door closed violently to his face. He stood in front of the door, puzzled with how things turned out to be. Just a second ago, he and Nino were kissing. Nino clearly enjoyed the kiss as much as he did. Then, why did Nino seem sad as he closed the door? Did Ohno do something wrong?

The phone continued to ring. Even though Ohno didn’t want to answer the call - well, it wasn’t his fault. The caller interrupted the best moment of his life - he took it out from his pocket, cursing to see it was Sho.

“What do you want?” He asked rather bluntly.

“Wow, you seem angry.” Sho responded. “Did I interrupt anything?”

He ignored the question and once again asked Sho what he wanted. Perhaps noticing how moody he seemed to be, Sho immediately asked if he was home. Sho needed his help to email a file in his laptop to his classmate.

“Nope. I’m not home yet.” He informed his housemate. There was a disappointment sigh from Sho but he ended the call, telling Ohno it’s okay and he will just email the file when he got home later.

Once Ohno put the phone back in his pocket, he stared dumbfoundedly at the door in front of him. Should he knock on the door? Will Nino open the door if he do that? Somehow, he had a feeling that Nino will ignore him. Not knowing what to do, he sat on the ground, leaning his head against the door. He didn’t want to go home yet. Even though it was cold, he felt comfortable sitting in front of Nino’s house. His mind drifted to the first time he actually talked to Nino. He had seen him several times before that but he was more like a stalker, observing Nino during his break.

The pretty guy sat at his usual spot in the cafeteria, just like the previous time he had seen him. If he counted correctly, it was the fifth time he had seen the guy at the same place and at the same time. Ohno didn’t know how long had the guy been there but usually, he will be there until 2PM. As usual, his eyes were glued to his laptop screen, perhaps because he was doing his assignment.

Unlike the previous time, there was an empty spot next to guy. So, Ohno gathered his courage and took the seat. As expected, the guy didn’t seem to be affected and continued to stare at his screen. Being curious, Ohno took a peek at what the guy was doing. His eyes grew wide to see what he was actually doing. No, he wasn’t doing an assignment. Instead, he was playing a game.

For some reason, he couldn’t take his eyes off from watching the guy playing the game. Once the game ended, the pretty guy turned to look at him and gave him a toothy grin. Wow, he looked cute smiling like that. Ohno was mesmerized to see the smile. Furthermore, being this close with the guy made him realize the guy was far more attractive.

“The game looks interesting, right?” The pretty guy told him. Ohno nodded awkwardly at the guy. He had been dreaming of talking to him but now that they were close, he didn’t know what to tell him. As he tried to think of what to say, he heard a familiar voice calling him.

“Ohchan, Nino!” Aiba, his roommate, shouted. He was waving excitedly at him from the stairs. Thankfully, he wasn’t alone. A handsome guy was with him. He smacked Aiba’s head and lightly scolded the other guy, causing Aiba’s cheeks to turn red with embarrassment. They walked quietly towards Ohno and once he stood in front of him, Aiba grinned idiotically at him.

“I didn’t know the two of you know each other.” Aiba said. Ohno frowned upon hearing that, feeling confused about who he actually meant. Did he mean the pretty guy sitting next to Ohno?

“Nah.” The pretty guy, who his name he assumed was Nino, answered. “He just watched me play games.”

“Playing games, Nino? Don’t you have an assignment to do?” The handsome guy who was with Aiba asked. Ohno stared intently at the guy. His face looked familiar.

“Well, believe it or not, I finished my assignment, Jun kun.” Nino answered. He started to pack his stuff, much to Ohno’s disappointment. He glanced at his watch and noticed it was almost two. It’s time for Nino to leave. However, instead of standing up, Nino remained seated next to him.

“Jun kun, I’m starving.” He complained. He looked at Jun with puppy eyes and a pout, making him look even more adorable than he already was.

“Go and eat then.” Jun said, clearly ignored the look that Nino gave him. “Ohno kun, have you finished the assignment for Legal Studies?”

Ohno blinked his eyes, trying to process what Jun had asked him. Assignment? Legal Studies? Ah, he smacked his forehead as he realized why Jun looked familiar. They were in the same class.

“You don’t recognize your own classmate, aren’t you?” Jun said. Ohno only smiled sheepishly at him in return.

“Anyway, my 2PM class is cancelled…” Nino brought the attention back to him. “... and I’m starving. Anyone wants to eat lunch with me?”

“ME!” Aiba shouted excitedly once again, only to be smacked by both Jun and Nino this time. To be honest, Ohno wanted to join them but as he barely knew Nino and he still had class later, he cannot go with them. But, he believed there will be more chances to get to know Nino later.

Three years had passed since then. They were friends but they’re not close. He was too shy to ask Nino out and there weren’t really any opportunity for them to be alone. Most of the time, they will go out with Aiba, Sho and Jun. The only time they got to be alone was when he accidentally met Nino at the bus stop on a Friday night about a year ago. He still remembered how he cursed at Sho for bringing him to a meeting. But, it was actually a blessing in disguise. He didn’t expect to meet Nino when he went home that night.

Of course he didn’t want to waste the chance. But, he didn’t know what to ask so they spent the entire journey in the bus in silence. However, luck seemed to be on his side on that night when Nino announced that he was going to eat dinner at McDonald’s. Shamelessly, he invited himself and he was happy when Nino didn’t object. It truly was the happiest day in his life. He kept smiling as he talked to Nino. Heck, he wasn’t even mad at one of his classmates who kept texting him on that night, asking him about the materials for their presentation.

But, things started to change since that night. It was hard to meet Nino after that. He rarely joined his outing with Sho, Aiba and Jun because he was too busy with his assignment and project. The only time he could actually see Nino was when they bumped into each other in the university. But, the meeting was too short. He wondered if Nino was actually trying to avoid him. As he missed Nino so much, he will often go to McDonald’s to relive the memories they had on that night.

He thought of what happened tonight. He didn’t expect to run into Nino when he agreed to go out with Sho, Jun and Aiba. It made him even more moody to see Nino with a girl. He knew the girl. She was always with Nino in the university. They looked close and he suspected the girl was actually his girlfriend. She even called him Kazu chan. Because of his jealousy, he tuned out of the conversation they were having. He didn’t care what others thought of him.

He didn’t know they were planning to go for a drink after dinner. But, he was happy to know Nino wasn’t going. So, he decided to go home with him. Actually, he wanted to ask Nino about his relationship with the girl. But, he didn’t know how to ask without sounding like a jealous boyfriend. When they were almost at Nino’s house and he still hadn’t asked the question he had been dreading to know, he lost control of himself. Out of jealousy, he kissed the guy and he was happy that Nino responded to the kiss.

But, well, the kiss was too short and now Nino had left him all alone in the cold night. Ah, it seemed to get colder. Maybe he should start heading home before he got sick and made Sho nagging at him. His coat was too thin because it wasn’t that cold when he went out earlier. But, now, he regretted not following Sho’s advice to wear a thicker coat.

He tried to stand up but his head was too dizzy. So, he ended up falling down with a loud thud. His eyes struggled to stay awake but he was certain he saw Nino opened the door and approached him. He was looking at him worriedly.

“Are you an idiot? It’s freezing! You should go home. Why do you sit in front of my house?”

He smiled looking at the cute face of Nino. He looked even cuter being angry like that.

“Ah, it’s cold. Come and warm me.” He said, stretching out his hand to hug Nino. However, he wasn’t sure if the guy hugged him or not because he lost his consciousness after that.

A/N: Sorry for the lame story. I hope it's okay. Comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, me & him, fanfic

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