Once Again... I'm in love with you - Chapter 5

Apr 15, 2020 21:50

He is not his mother’s son.

It was a lie if Ohno hadn’t thought about this before. When he was small, he kept thinking about it. His father hated him and that’s why he kept scolding him. He hated Ohno because he wasn’t his real son. He was adopted. But, his mother was always there, comforting him. She will always tell him that it wasn’t true. But now… She had confirmed his biggest fear. And this wasn’t the way he wanted to find out about it.

He stood up, walking with no direction. He heard people calling him. But, he wasn’t Ohno. He wasn’t Satoshi. So, he shouldn’t respond to those calls.

He heard a horn. But, he was too absorbed in his own thoughts, thinking why his mother lied to him all this time. So, he ignored the sound. Someone was shouting but he ignored the shout as well. The horn was getting louder but he wasn’t distracted by the sound at all.

And then out of nowhere, someone suddenly pulled him. It surprised him. But, he was angrier because someone bothered him.

“Stupid.” A random car stopped right in front of him. The driver glared at him. “Watch where you’re going.”

Then the car left. He was confused with the whole situation. Why was the driver angry with him? But.. wait... He looked around and noticed that he was standing on the sidewalk. Nino was in front of him, looking grumpier.

“Are you crazy? Do you want to die so much?” Nino shouted at him. He wasn’t just shouting. He was hitting Ohno’s chest repeatedly. Aiba and Jun who were behind him tried to stop him.

“I don’t want to lose you again,” Nino said in despair as he collapsed. Thankfully, Ohno was quick to reach for him.

"Samii." A soft voice has woken Ohno from his sleep. He opened his eyes and saw Ninomiya sensei look down at him. He almost yelled in surprise but the teacher was quick in stopping him. He covered Ohno's mouth with his hand, muffling any sound from Ohno.

“Please promise me that you will not scream.” The teacher begged. Ohno nodded his head even though he already planned to shout once the teacher uncovered his mouth.

The teacher slowly removed his hand and Ohno almost shouted again. However, as he glanced at the teacher, he didn’t do so. The teacher looked sad. Why? Was it because of his soulmate that he told Ohno this evening?

“Why are you here?” He asked the teacher.

“To see you.” Ninomiya sensei answered. He rolled his eyes at the teacher in annoyance. “Satoshi, are you happy here?”

“Why do you ask?” He didn’t answer the teacher.

“It’s just… Don’t you remember me? Don’t you miss me?”

Remember? Miss? What was his teacher talking about? Is he crazy?

“Well… I don’t think you remember me. The magic that he put on you was too strong.” The teacher mumbled to himself. “But, before I give up, there’s one thing I want to do to make you remember me.”

Again, the teacher acted weirdly. The teacher closed his eyes and Ohno frowned looking at the teacher. He wondered what the teacher wanted to do. However, his eyes opened wide in surprise when the teacher’s appearance slowly changed. How could he describe it? The teacher’s skin seemed to be glowing and because of the light, he noticed a change in the teacher’s ears. They weren’t rounded like always. They were now pointed.

“What…” He couldn’t finish his question when the teacher opened his mouth, revealing his fangs. What kind of creature was his teacher?

"MONSTER!!" He screamed. He closed his eyes, feeling afraid of what he saw. "Stay away from me!"

He heard footsteps approaching his room and then the sound of someone opening the door. Shortly after, he heard his mother's voice.

"Satoshi, are you okay?" His mother asked. Slowly, he opened his eyes. There were only him, his father and his mother. No one else was there.

"Nightmare?" His mother said when he didn't answer. He nodded his head, dismissing the image of Ninomiya sensei with the fangs from his mind.

Ohno was startled when he woke up. It’s so dark and it took him some time to realize where he was. He was in his old bedroom, the one he grew up in. Why was he here? Oh, yes, it’s because of Nino who was sleeping on his bed right now. He glanced at Nino, almost shouting to find the guy was staring at him.

“How long have you been awake?” He asked.

After Nino passed out earlier, Ohno had brought him inside. His father was still unconscious. His mother, on the other hand, tried to talk with him. However, he ignored her because he cannot bring himself to confront her yet. He could see how disappointed she was but he was afraid. Afraid to learn the truth about himself. So, he used Nino as an excuse to avoid talking with her. He locked himself with Nino in his old bedroom, waiting for him to wake up. After all, they had a lot to talk about.

Well, he didn't expect Nino to be sleeping for a long time. After five hours, Nino still didn't show any sign of waking up. To be honest, he was afraid there was something wrong with Nino. However, when Sho came to check Nino’s condition, his boss told him not to worry. Nino was just too exhausted and Ohno should just let him sleep. It's possible Nino might sleep the whole day.

“I just woke up,” Nino informed him. He raised his body to sit on the bed as Ohno turned on the bedside lamp. “You were screaming. Did you have a nightmare?”

Should he tell Nino about his dream, he contemplated.

“What did you dream about?” Nino asked when he stayed silent.

“You…” He decided to tell the truth. His hunch told him that it wasn’t just a dream. It’s his suppressed memory. “I was a small kid. While I was sleeping, you came into my room and then your appearance… it started to change. You had…”

“I had fangs?” Nino asked.

Ohno nodded his head and took one of the sketchbooks. While Nino was sleeping, he had been looking at the drawings, trying to make sure if they were indeed drawn by him. They were and he wondered why he had drawn Nino. And Nino in his dream looked exactly like what he drew. The only difference was his hair was shorter in his dream.

“What are…”

Before he could finish his question, someone knocked on the door and then opened it, revealing Aiba with Jun and Sho behind him. They looked worried at first but broke into a smile when they noticed Nino had woken up. Jun was the first to enter. He climbed onto the bed and started to ruffle Nino’s hair. Nino pushed Jun away playfully. Watching that, Ohno couldn’t stop himself from grunting, feeling jealous once again to see the interaction between Nino and other people. The sound made the other four look at him with concern. But, they seemed to understand why he reacted that way as Jun suddenly apologized.

“I’m sorry, Ohno Kun,” Jun said before he stood up from the bed. Ohno didn’t say anything in return because he didn’t understand why he was jealous of them even though he couldn’t remember anything about Nino. But, he was content to see Jun standing far from Nino and in no position to touch the smaller guy again.

“Guys, could you leave me alone with Sa… Ohno Kun?” Nino said. Ohno realized the slip out. Was Nino going to call him Samii just like he did in his dream? Was that his real name, then? Ah, if he remembered correctly, the guy who attacked his parents earlier had called him Samejima. So, maybe Samii was his nickname.

Jun, Aiba and Sho looked at each other before Sho nodded his head and left with the other two trailing behind him.

“A lot of questions in your mind right now?” Nino asked once the door was closed.

"Yes…" He answered. "But, I don't know which one to ask first,"

Nino gave him a small smile, taking Ohno's hands into his. He stroked the hands softly, making Ohno feel more relaxed.

"Let me tell you how we ended up here, then," Nino suggested. As Ohno was still unclear on what he wanted to know first, he simply agreed.

Nino took a deep breath before he began.

"As I've told your mother, we're not from here. I have this key…" Nino pulled out the strange key that he used earlier from his pocket. He handed it to Ohno, who took it carefully. Now that he had the chance to examine the key, he noticed the keyholder was in the form of an owl. Weird writing was inscribed on the key and of course, he didn't know how to read it. But, the thing that surprised him the most was how heavy the key was despite its look. Couldn't bear to hold the key any longer, he handed it back to Nino. It was puzzling to see how Nino could easily hold the key as if the weight wasn't a problem at all.

"It isn't heavy?" He asked Nino, who shook his head before he explained.

"For everyone else, it is heavy. But, as I am its wielder, the weight has no effect on me,"

"You were chosen to be its wielder?"

"Yes… because of my heritage,"

Ohno looked at him expectantly, hoping he would elaborate more about his heritage. But, he sighed when Nino didn't do so. Instead, Nino chose to talk about his dream.

"What you saw in your dream was a part of your memory that I erased,”


“Because…” Nino seemed reluctant to answer. But, he got over it as he took a deep breath and continued. “I don’t want you to remember me. Your life will be better without me. Ever since we met, I’ve caused you trouble,”

Ohno didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say.

“Can you give me the memory again?” He pleaded. He didn’t like it when the memories decided to appear unnoticed. It’s better to have them back.

"If you want it back," Nino nodded his head. “But, it will be painful,”

“I don't mind. I want it back,”

Nino sighed and then he snapped his finger. Almost immediately, Ohno felt like the world was spinning as his head pounded. It was the worst headache he had ever felt as he saw a series of images running in his head. The image started with the first day he met Nino as his teacher and ended with the tragedy that had happened to his parents.

What he saw confused him. His parents were supposed to be dead. But, they’re still alive. How did that happen?

“I give you the chance, didn’t I, young prince? I give you the key so that you can rewind time to save his parents. I will not attack them as long as you follow me. But, you escape! You’re the one who broke the deal, young prince,”

The words from Ebisawa, the guy who attacked his parents earlier, echoed in his head. Did Nino rewind the time to save his parents?

“You can rewind time?” He quickly asked once the pain in his head subsided.

Another sigh from Nino.

“The key that I have… the one I showed you earlier… it gave me the power to control time and space,” Nino explained. “I don’t like messing with time. But, it’s my fault they died. If I didn’t come here, you will not lose them. So, I made a deal with Ebisawa. He can take me but he had to let me use the key to rewind time,”

“But… you escaped?” Ohno guessed. “And that’s why Ebisawa came to kill my parents again,”

Much to his surprise, Nino shook his head.

“Don’t you remember? I appeared in your office. I didn’t go there voluntarily,”

Ohno looked at him confusedly, trying to understand what Nino had meant by that. He tried to recall what happened earlier. Nino seemed to be confused to be in the office as if he didn’t expect to be there. He didn’t go there voluntarily. So, someone else had made it happen.


His eyes grew wide, remembering how furious Nino was when he saw Ohno in the office and he had blamed Aiba for it. So, it meant…

“It wasn’t Aiba chan. He didn’t summon me there,” Nino denied even before Ohno could ask him about it. “It was you. You summoned me,”

“What?” He said in disbelief. “How?”

Nino scratched his head. “I don’t know. I don’t really understand how our bond works. But, I know it happens because of you,”

“What bond?”

But, he knew the answer before Nino said it. He had heard Aiba talk about it before. And with the memory of Nino as his teacher in his mind, he remembered how his former teacher had talked about it too. It would explain why he was always jealous to see Nino with someone else.

“Our bond as soulmates,”

The King of Daku was happy to be in the Raitorian Kingdom. It was the first time he had visited the kingdom. Usually, he would only send a delegation here without being a part of it. But, not this time. He had a mission to complete. It’s time for his worthless demi Fae son to serve his purpose.

When he arrived in the kingdom, he saw the mysterious intruder who had told him about the wielder of the key. So, the intruder had an important role in the kingdom. He wasn't surprised. It would explain why the intruder knew a lot about the key.

With what the intruder had told him, he had made a plan to steal the key from Raitorian. He had sired many demi faes, looking for one who would be able to do magic. Ten years of trying and he finally had Kazunari. How Kazunari was able to do magic despite having human blood in him was still a mystery. But, he didn't care much about it. All he knew, Kazunari was here with him and he would help him steal the key.

But, his eyes caught something interesting. The young prince of the Raitorian kingdom was looking at his son with affection. He wondered why the prince had looked at Kazunari that way when he barely knew his son. And Kazunari… he was smiling at the prince. Hmmm… this was weird. Kazunari had never smiled before. Not a genuine smile like the one he had for the prince now. No… this can't be good. He had been raising Kazunari to be ruthless. If Kazunari became the young prince's friend, things might change.

No… he had to do something to stop the friendship from blooming.

But, maybe he could manipulate the friendship for his own good. Hmm… his evil mind started to work.

A/N: When was the last time I updated this story? Probably last year. I hope someone still remember this story. And if you're reading, any guess of who is the intruder that the king met?
And as always comments are very much appreciated. Anyway, I will post How Dare You after this in case you're waiting

ohmiya, once again... i'm in love with you

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