Cardcaptor Aiba - Chapter 5

Oct 13, 2013 00:32

"Ano, have you ever feel that way to someone? You know the feeling that you described to Aiba chan,"

I'm so surprised by his question. And, I don't know how to answer the question. Should I be frank with him about my feelings? Should I confess to him?

I stared at my feet while contemplating how to answer his question. When I looked back in the front, he was so close to me and the next thing I know was his lips was on mine. I'm too shocked that I don't respond to his kiss. Feeling the lack of my response, he stopped kissing me and look guilty.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't do that," Ohchan told me before he started running away from me. I was too shocked causing me to be slow in processing what had happened. Did he kiss me? Why? Does he like me the way I like him? Being anxious to know his feeling, I quickly run to his direction.

Thank God, fortunately, Ohchan didn't run too far from me. When I arrived at the playground near our house, I saw him alone on the swing. I approached him, thinking to kiss him once he is in front of me.

"Ohchan," I called him softly, noticing tears in his eyes. Why did he cry? Was it because of me?

"I'm sorry, Nino. You must hate me right now. I know I shouldn't kiss you but I...," without waiting for him to finish, I kissed him on his lips. He was tensed at first before finally responding to my kiss. I never expected that I would ever have the chance to kiss him like this. Oh, please, don't let this be a dream!

I let him go once we're running out of breath, looking at his cute and confused face. I wiped the tears on his face before kissing him again. It feels so good to kiss him that I don't want to let him go.

"Kazu, Satoshi, get a room, please!" from afar, I hear my sister's scream. I reluctantly let Ohchan go, facing my beloved sister who was smirking at me. She was there with Ohchan's sister. They are both best friend, just like Ohchan and I. It's actually through my sister that I get to know Ohchan.

"It's good that you guys are finally together but kissing in public is not appropriate, especially in the playground. And, Kazu why is Ohchan crying? Did you bully him?" asked my sister when she got closer to us.

"Kazuko, I think they both still need to sort out their feeling. Let's just get home and don't tease them anymore. Toshi, I'm so happy for you! You both look so cute as a couple," said Mina, Ohchan's sister while pulling my sister away from us. After both of them disappeared from our sight, I looked at Ohchan.

"Yes," I just said one word to Ohchan, who looked confused at me, not knowing what I mean. He was so cute that I have to control myself from kissing him again.

"That's my answer to your question. Geez, you kissed me before I get a chance to answer. Yes, I feel like that to someone and that someone is you. I think you had figured that out when I kissed you just now," he was blushing when he hears my answer.

"I thought you love Aiba chan," he said softly. I laughed hearing his response. How could he think that I love Aiba? There's no way I would love that clumsy guy.

"Don't laugh at me. You know that there is a saying that you would tease the one you love so that person would know your existence. You keep on teasing Aiba chan. That’s why I think you love him,"

"Ohchan, it doesn't apply to everyone. Plus, I also like to tease you, even though not as intense as Aiba chan,"

"And you look so unhappy when he told you that he loves Sho chan. As if he broke your heart,"

My laughter died the moment I hear this, thinking how J would feel if he knows. Ohchan, sensing the change in my mood, looked worried.

"I'm not a replacement, Nino. If you love Aiba chan, you shouldn't lie to me to make yourself feel better," he looked so broken saying that. Oh my, he got it all wrong. It's not about me, it's about J.

"No, you're not a replacement. I always love you,"


"I'm unhappy because of J. I know that he has love Aiba all this time. If he knows that Aiba loves someone else, he will be so sad," I quickly said. Ohchan looked so surprised because of the revelation.

"I see the way J looks at Aiba chan. It's the same look that I always give you. I'm worried about him, not about myself. Ohno Satoshi, I always love you," again, he blushed to hear my statement. He got closer to me and hugged me.

"I love you too, Ninomiya Kazunari," hearing this makes me blush. I always wait for this moment to arrive and never thought it finally happened. I don't know how red my face is but seeing him chuckling while looking at my face makes me feel so shy.

"You know that you look so cute when you're shy," he told me and this makes my face looked redder.

"Say, are we officially a couple now?" I asked him.

"Of course we are and to celebrate this, you're going to have a sleepover at my house tonight," I looked at him questioningly. Are we going to do that? Oh, please stop having a perverted thought, Nino!

"No, of course, we're not going to do that. You're a pervert!" as if reading my thought, he said that.

"Then, why are having a sleepover?"

"Because you are afraid to sleep alone. Your sister used to tell me that you need at least three days to get over a horror movie. You always asked your father to sleep with you if you watched a horror movie. So, like a good boyfriend, I should protect my girlfriend, right?" I blushed hearing his comment. But, it doesn't really matter right now. What matter more is he is finally mine!


I have been dating Ohchan for three weeks now. I am so happy to finally have someone to return my feelings. And, as for Aiba, he hasn't confessed to Sho Kun yet, and J doesn't know about it too. Aiba had caught all of the cards, except EARTHY and RETURN. He looked more enthusiastic now to catch the card, perhaps with the thought that Sho Kun will stay by his side if he can show his worthiness in being the new owner of the Clow card. And I never thought that someone will betray us.

On the day we finally managed to catch RETURN, something unexpected happened. J was suddenly laughing hysterically, not looking like his usual self anymore. He looked at each of us with the eyes that had turned purple. He looked so evil and his stare was very cold. He doesn't seem to have any emotion at all. That's when I heard something from Aiba.

"So, my dream is true after all,"

Hearing that reminds me of the dream that I forget to ask Aiba. I've been so busy with Ohchan that I overlook the uneasiness in Aiba's face whenever he was left alone with J. If only I remember to ask, perhaps I will know that J has another motive in helping us with the cards.

A/N: To be honest, I'm not busy at all this week and would be able to write this chapter earlier. But, I'm so lazy to switch on my laptop. Plus, I'm having some emotional issue. So, I apologize if I'm making anyone waiting for this chapter. Thank you for reading this and I hope this is okay :)

ohmiya, fanfic, cardcaptor aiba

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