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Comments 2

daisukidesu3 June 16 2023, 17:01:02 UTC
What a great birthday surprise!

Happy birthday to our beloved, eternal 17 year old! 🥰🎂💛

If writing fics brings you joy, then you should do it - regardless of how many people read it. That’s what I think. (And, of course, I’ll continue to support you)



farah_hamiza June 17 2023, 04:59:59 UTC
Thank you for the support u're giving me all these years. It really makes me happy. I also realized that when I stopped writing fics, my writing skills suffered as well. So, better continue it to improve my skill.

Anyway, I've posted another fic yesterday. I hope u will read and enjoy it too ☺️

Ohmiya forever💙💛


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