Title: Back to the Beginning (6/9)
Rating: PG
Summary: Joan resorts to bribery, and Brian shows Justin the house where he grew up.
Disclaimer: The characters of QAF belong to CowLip and Showtime, but a girl can always dream.
Earlier installments:
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Comments 8
Concerning the religion thing? I agree with you - Brian was raised Catholic - and CowFlop was too stupid (or lazy) to get the details right ... much like so many other things in the series (the length of Ben living with HIV / Melanie's grandfather's names / etc.) Sometimes I'm completely amazed how compelling QAF ended up being - considering the two hacks who were entrusted with the details.
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I always wondered what Justin would see if he could go back in time and know a younger Brian. This is about as close as he can get, I think.
They were fortunate that they had two excellent lead actors who could take crappy schlock and find something real to give the audience. Sharon, also is excellent (even though I wanted to rip her wig off sometimes) and Peter & Scott are also well-trained actors. I have long maintained that if Gale & Randy weren't Brian & Justin the show likely wouldn't've made it past S1. C/L - a pox on them!
And I love that they're making out (and maybe more?) in Brian's old room, it's sort of cathartic for him... the last "fuck you this is who I am" to his mom...
As for making out (and maybe more?), you'll love segment 7. Waking up Brian, Justin-style. Very much the 'fuck you, this is who I am' once Brian realizes what's going on.
I'm glad you enjoyed this one.
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