Title: “Toys for Boys” (1/3)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: You would be amazed by what technology can do these days! Brian/Justin from Brian's point of view.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to CowLip and Showtime. *eyeroll*
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author’s Note: Harmless PWP, because
happier_bunny demanded porn. References things that happened in 105, but it is set in early
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Comments 58
That's about all I've really seen, but boy, is that stuff burnt into my memory!
And your fics are of course reinforcing all the images I have of these two. *sighs happily*
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DAMN i love this fic anyway
*loves you madly* Thanks for telling me!
But what I like most about this story is Justin being completely in control. I've read numerous fics in which Brian demands that Justin "come now", but I don't think I've ever read one in which Justin is the one pulling all of Brian's strings. THAT is hotter than hot.
Nobody's written season4!Justin when he's a total dominating PinkPosse shithead? And Brian lets him be? *is stunned* *sticks plotbunny in hutch with 37 others*
THAT is hotter than hot
I'll take that as the high compliment it is, coming from you. Thanks! *blushes*
Ohhooho, here you have another idea for another pr0n B/J story!
You're multi-talented, FB. With that fic you prove yourself as being very exciting and "naughty" pr0n writer.
As for this... GUH..can't wait for more - I really hope Marvin isn't the same ass he used to be *crosses fingers*... oh and protective!Justin is the best ever!
Thank you:)
*is happy* Thanks! We aim to please.
I've never had one GUH before, and got two on the same chapter. *checks temperature* I obviously need to keep writing porn.
I really hope Marvin isn't the same ass he used to be
The PWP gets a quick shot of plot in the next installment. Coming soon.
Thanks for the delightful feedback--so glad you enjoyed this.
I love your writing and your smut is definitely as good as your dialog/plot... basically, you rock. :-)
*peeks out of upcoming sauna* Just wait, friend.
your smut is definitely as good as your dialog/plot
Man, you just made my WEEK. I've always been a plot-baby. Nice to know I can get people hot and bothered too! Thanks!!
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