Title: Blade and Scabbard (part 1 of 4)
Rating: G for now, NC-17 by the end
Summary: A medical breakthrough changes Brian's life in more ways than one.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to CowLip and Showtime. They have all the luck.
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author’s Note:
seanmegansean, this one's for you.
At a business meeting in Pittsburgh )
Comments 33
I have to be happy with it myself, and I'm a tough critic. But not much longer.
intriguing start
Thanks! This section sort of popped up in a flash. Sometimes that happens.
And omg Brian is going to be disgustingly rich... :D:D:D
Emphasis on RICH. Yup. That's part of what happens next.
All I can think about is a phone call I ought to make, to a man I’ve been avoiding for over a year. He asked for something, long ago. He can have it now.
I’ve got 12 weeks to convince him that he should take it. Now, is it terribly pathetic to hope that the man he needs to call is Ben and not Justin *takes anti-angst pills* LOL
OK, where is chapter 2? I can't wait. I'm so curious to see how this plays out (and I love paddies' "disgustingly rich" take on it - Brian so deserves it *grin*).
*squees for three more chapters* ;)
No way in hell. Not on my watch.
I'm so curious to see how this plays out
Well, chapters 3 and 4 are the payoff. Hope you'll like 2 enough to get there.
where is chapter 2?
Coming right up.
I hope things are going a little better in SMS land now.
I'm really looking forward to the future parts of this!! :)
Another satisfied customer! *grins like a loon*
I can't remember a single one of them
I'll chalk that up to all the happiness endorphins overloading the system.
Why thank you!
Look for it very soon.
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