Title: Blade and Scabbard (part 3 of 4)
Rating: PG-13 for now, NC-17 by the end
Summary: A medical breakthrough changes Brian's life in more ways than one.
Disclaimer: It belongs to CowLip and Showtime. They have all the luck.
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author’s Note:
seanmegansean, this one's for you.
Earlier Installments:
Part One,
Part Two (
My news is better than your news )
Comments 37
*blushes wildly* Thanks!
can't wait to see the finale
Soon. Very soon.
Squees with you. Soon there will be more!
I just adore the shmoopness!! :D:D:D
They're still connected and in love after a year of not talking (for the most idiotic reason - so very B/J) and now they're going to be ridiculously happy for the rest of their lives, yay!! :D:D:D
Glad you approve!
They're still connected and in love after a year of not talking
Yup. That's their dynamic, at least in my head (most of the time).
(for the most idiotic reason-so very B/J)
Yeah, that's about par for the course with those two. An easel, for goodness' sake!
ridiculously happy
Thanks for loving it.
Thank you very much. *bows low*
Can't wait to read the final installment
There may be a slight delay on that until next week. I forgot I'm going out of town tomorrow. *packing furiously* Eeep!
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