Title: Blade and Scabbard (part 4.1 of 4)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A medical breakthrough changes Brian's life in more ways than one.
Disclaimer: It belongs to CowLip and Showtime. They have all the luck.
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author’s Note:
seanmegansean, this one's for you.
Earlier Installments:
Part One,
Part Two,
Part ThreeETA Warning: No HIV vaccine exists
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Comments 34
Thanks. That's Brian and Justin in a nutshell, too. Glad you like it!
Justin could care less whether the first time is pyrotechnic explosions and Roman candles lighting up the world in every direction, or a slow burning fuse that takes the whole day and half the night to reach the keg of dynamite buried deep inside him, the long, brain-frying fuck that will turn his whole body to jelly by the end. He’s only ever wanted Brian, and being together for this is all his fantasies made complete.
Justin ought to remember he’s one of Brian’s hopeless addictions, memorized and never to be forgotten. You have absolutely no idea how I love that sentence. That Justin really gets him. Still gets him after all the years, and is still Justin…who will listen to Brian first when he needs it.
Seeing Justin when he says the word makes Brian go still, knowing that this is the last barrier between them. ( ... )
I'm glad you're enjoying it, and that it helped lift an otherwise unhappy day.
And I love you for saying so! Thank you!
(The comment has been removed)
*bows low* Thank you. Thank you very much.
the most beautiful thing I've ever come across
You have a knack for finding my favorites. That's one I love too.
*pets and soothes* There's more, there had to be more, because it demanded to be written. Don't worry.
H-O-T, H-O-T, H-O-T
I'm scorched, and loving it. Thanks.
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