Title: The Right Reason
arahirilCharacters: Faramir, Pippin, Gandalf
Rating: G
Genre: General
Warnings: None whatever.
alexajohnson had requested: a movieverse Faramir/Pippin friendship fic, set before the Pyre of Denethor, to help explain why Pippin, who did not seem to have much of a relationship with Faramir, was so keen on saving him.
very brief note )
Comments 20
Is there a real song called "The Gardener's Daughter"? If not, I hope you write it out someday!
And no, there isn't a real song called "The Gardener's Daughter." I was just trying to think of the most outrageous plot I could, and I remembered the tale of Pygmalion by Ovid, which is about a scupltor who falls in love with a statue... so I changed it a bit to make more down-to-earth (with a soldier), and I had a funny mental image in my head of a drunken soldier talking to a garden statue, so voila... but I'm no poet, so I doubt it will ever see the light of day. :)
But thanks for your comments!!
Of course I noticed the mythological referince, and was planning to comment about your parodical version of a drunken Pygmalion... :)) But by the time I finished reading I was very impressed by other aspects of the story that I forgot to mention thisw in my comment!
I agree with Sarasrati, you should try to write it out someday... Perhaps, just when the soldier was declairing his love for the statue, the gardener's real, flesh-and-blood daughter overheard him and thought he was talking to her... And after some comic misfortunes and misunderstandings, they live happily ever after! :)) Now I've turned it into an opera libretto! :))
I like your plot idea, but I still don't think I'll ever get around to writing it. But still, you never know.
you wrote this...for me...and there are so many things i love that i could never, ever hope to list them all!
first of all, you captured pippin's voice perfectly. even with the immense changes that his character has gone through by the end, he is still *pippin*, and you can understand why he wants to do greater deeds and ride with faramir.
i also loved the relationship you painted between faramir and gandalf, and i thought it was a unique one. as others have said, it was more about their friendship than student/mentor, and i loved the almost father/son aspect of it, and that pippin even observed the familiarity between them.
i also thought the idea of pippin eating in the barracks was a clever one, and i liked how you established that relationship with beregond!
and of course your writing is excellent as always!
i am just overflowing with praise, and was incredibly touched and moved by this gift.
thank you, thank you, thank you, my dear!!!
♥ ♥ ♥
Though I admit that I got rather carried away with my Faramir/Gandalf interaction - I had to wrestle with myself to get back to Pippin!! I love that relationship, so I tend to emphasize it heavily.
I'm just really glad you liked it!! It was a challenging prompt for me but a good one, so thanks for that. *hugs* :D
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