Title: Bad? Dream
Author: Tena
Fandom: QaF
Pairing: Brian/Justin
Rating: R for language
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. I am just playing with them for a little while.
Author’s note: Written for Prompt #92 at
“It was huge, Brian, fucking huge. A cock this big chasing me around the loft. It was gi-fucking-normous and aiming for my ass. Then when I turned around it came at my mouth.”
“Mm-hmm,” Brian hummed as he looked over the boards on his desk.
“I mean, I like dick, Brian, big dicks, but this would have ripped me in half.”
“These boards are shit; I should fire the whole art department.”
“Brian, are you even listening?”
“Yes, I’m listening. I just don’t know what you’re queening about. Mine’s always coming at you and it never seemed to bother you.”
The End