It started with Draw Misha Week on tumblr and then people decided that Jared, Jensen and Richard should have their draw them week (both on tumblr and LJ). Here are my participation (even if I already posted the draw Misha here)
oh, these are stunning. your lettering on the Misha painting is unbelievable, and as for that Jared stencil ... it may end up on a few walls around Central Oregon, just saying.
Thanks a lot. The lettering on the Misha painting was supposed to be just a test before doing it on stencil but I liked it like that so I kept it ^^ Well, if the Jared stencil end up on walls, could you please send pictures? (and if you need a bigger picture to make the stencil, let me know ^^)
Tu vas me trouver tordue mais celui que je préfère c'est le dernier, le petit Richard avec sa bouille ronde et sa casquette! Il pourrait être le héros d'un bouquin pour enfants ♥ Sinon, j'aime beaucoup ta methode du stecil, ça rend vraiment bien :D
Comments 8
beautiful work. :D
The lettering on the Misha painting was supposed to be just a test before doing it on stencil but I liked it like that so I kept it ^^
Well, if the Jared stencil end up on walls, could you please send pictures? (and if you need a bigger picture to make the stencil, let me know ^^)
I'll send you a photo once it's up, too. it's so gorgeous! thank you!
Here it is.
Jared is my favorite stencil too.
Sinon, j'aime beaucoup ta methode du stecil, ça rend vraiment bien :D
Et il n'y a rien de tordue à préférer Richard, c'est vrai que c'est le plus mignon des quatre.
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