Venus sounds a lot like Hell, doesn't it? Fire (incredible heat), brimstone (sulfur or sulfur dioxide or something), boiling, unpleasant, far away, etc.
Yet it's still part of the natural universe, and if you believe in God, that means it's still "of God", and therefore has a right to exist and be unpleasant if it wants to be. After all, it's not made for our convenience. Venus exists for itself. It's pleasant to itself. Venus is its own 'just right'.
I remember all those mornings the first year Spousepants lived here, with
ichthyus, and I'd get a phone call at oh-dark-thirty in the morning. Could I come over? It was raining or too cold or just too effin early in the morning and the six mile bike ride seemed a bit daunting for today. I always came, because I wanted to be reliable/dependable -- because that kind of thing means something to me. And on most of those rides, I caught a glimpse of what we call the morning star--even though it isn't a star at all. Venus.
Venus, like a little pearl hanging up there, different from the stars, lighting my path and cheering me on.
It was when I thought of that vision of Venus--not the up-close of its hellscape--that I finally understood what Gustav Holst was going for when he wrote "Venus: The Bringer of Peace". (youtube provided for music, since that seemed the simplest way.)
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